Agiru i Kitakyushu




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒802-0002 Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Kokurakita Ward, Kyōmachi, 2-chōme−4−32 セヴネス小倉 2F
kontakter telefon: +81 93-541-0141
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8861314, Longitude: 130.8810839

kommentar 5

  • Shifali Sohn

    Shifali Sohn


    Had a great and unique experience. The ambience is amazing. It had cave vibes. Food is also affordable and great. Had a great surprise birthday party. They make surprises best.

  • はーにー



    It was delicious! I want to go again! The toilet was stylish!

  • 冨永忍



    I used it at a girls' party at work. All the dishes were delicious, especially the cheese dakgalbi. The staff was very responsive and I always asked for a surprise plate to say thank you, but the plate was really nice and I said, ``If you like the photo, would you like to take it?'' ! '', and my colleagues at the company were also very happy. I'm really thankful to you. I want to use it again

  • *かなた*



    It's located near McDonald's in front of Kokura Station, so it's conveniently located near the station. Climb the stairs and enter the store There are height differences that make it look like a secret base. The seats are ready and I'm excited. Average price and taste. It's neither good nor bad. They will also prepare a dessert plate if you make a reservation!

  • Y タカ (Yタカ)

    Y タカ (Yタカ)


    The space in each private room was nice. However, I think it would have been better if it was in the horigotatsu style. For the meal, the shrimp ajillo was delicious! The cheese in the raclette hardened quickly, so I guess that was a shame. However, the food was so delicious that I think I'll come back again!

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