医療法人牧和会 牧病院 in Chikushino

Japan医療法人牧和会 牧病院



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976-1 Nagaoka, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-0066, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 92-922-2853
webseite: www.maki.or.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.471731, Longitude: 130.539998

kommentare 5

  • 田崎温



    There is a leaf that looks like an operating room, but it appeared two or three years ago in the back of the main building where an MRI was previously installed!A red lamp shines above and the words ``magnetic field'' are written on it. By the way, Maki Hospital in Nagaoka, Chikushino City, Fukuoka Prefecture is a psychiatric hospital🏥!There are almost no outpatients. The number of nurses is drastically decreasing. The number of hospitalized patients with dementia and the elderly has also decreased dramatically. In the staff parking lot, there are luxury cars such as BMWs with Kurume plates, and some with Saga plates. Nurses refused entry to general patients and visitors, but gang members were allowed in with a check! Could it be the Kurume Dojin Association? The number of doctors has increased by 11 from three years ago. Many fake doctors. I feel the need to investigate! Give me feedback!

  • TS TS

    TS TS


    Today, with my family's opinion, I reluctantly went to see the doctor. thank you very much. I have nothing but gratitude.

  • Mac Knife

    Mac Knife


    I'm a doctor who's overweight and wears glasses, but he usually has a smile on his face, but suddenly his face breaks and he becomes intimidating. Today, I was told that I would no longer be given medicine because I had not followed the dosage instructions once. He doesn't seem to have any intention of curing the patient, and is essentially ``abandoning medical care.'' The doctor himself asked me to go to another hospital, so I ended up being transferred. Anyway, I recommend that you don't go to that doctor.

  • 徳潤



    I went to consult about my mother who has dementia with a letter of introduction, but since there is no internal medicine department, I can't help her! I was even refused an MRI scan because I couldn't respond to the emergency! In the end, I ended up criticizing the hospital I introduced, asking why they would recommend this hospital. I was even told that even if I was hospitalized, I couldn't guarantee my life 😱Isn't this hospital a designated dementia hospital? It is strange that the signboard at Futsukaichi Station says internal medicine and psychiatry. Mother passed away. Now I feel lucky that I didn't have to go to this hospital. If she had been cared for, she might have died sooner. A former doctor at Kyushu University's Psychiatry Department told me that being a psychiatry doctor begins by listening to what the patient has to say. I've been told this before, but there are some doctors who don't listen to me, stop me from talking, and give me a unilateral, coercive response. That's what I thought, but perhaps Chikushino's medical care is like this. My mother doesn't like bad language. I hope that Dr. Nakamura will gain various experiences and improve his medical and nursing care skills and mindset in the future.

  • Ma i

    Ma i


    The teachers are quick to respond, and the counselors listen carefully to what I have to say. Also, the nurses, social workers, receptionists, and other kind people. I go there with peace of mind.

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