Fukuoka City Clinics in Fukuoka

JapanFukuoka City Clinics



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13-1 Yoshizukahonmachi, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka, 812-0046, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 92-632-1111
webseite: www.fcho.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.6045933, Longitude: 130.422461

kommentare 5

  • いあ



    I hit my head and felt nauseous, so I was rushed to the hospital, and just to be sure, they took a CT scan and other tests, but they didn't give me any explanation or even show me the results. Even when giving explanations at the time of discharge, the doctor had his arms folded behind his back, told the nurse in front of him, and gave a disgusted look to the patient.

  • 白石麻衣



    For medical errors, consult the Medical Research Support Center located within the public health center. or. I have some doubts. Lawyers too I'll introduce you to you. If death or after-effects occur due to medical errors, please consult the Medical Safety Investigation Agency in Tokyo. It is a national institution. Lawyers can also introduce you to the Medical Research Support Center located within the public health center in Tokyo. For those with low income, there is a legal terrace. The law terrace is free for 30 minutes. In addition, court costs are free, income is tax-free, and for other people, the amount can be reduced). Let's stop crying and falling asleep. I don't think it will work unless patients speak up.

  • さとうシュガー



    I had been having abdominal pain for about a year. Every month I would get gastroenteritis-like symptoms and it would take a week to 10 days to heal. While repeating this, I was hospitalized twice, but for the third time I was admitted to this hospital. I contacted the hospital where I had been hospitalized twice before I was transferred, but they refused because the beds were full, possibly because of the possibility that I would be hospitalized. I was very grateful that they were able to accept a new emergency patient who suddenly arrived late at night. I was able to walk on my own, but they thought about various possible causes, conducted tests, and decided to have surgery on the same day. I think they were able to respond flexibly to the situation, even though the surgery schedule was full and difficult. Even though there are some beds available in the hospital room, the nurses are always very busy. I got a glimpse of how difficult the medical field is. I think it was due to the location of the hospital room, but I found it a little difficult to breathe, and my chest was very tight and I felt nauseous. At times like that, he took me to a place where the wind could blow. I really appreciate this. I've always had a hard time with closed spaces, but that doesn't usually mean anything, but it comes out at times like this. Thanks to your flexible approach, I quickly felt better and recovered. It happened at night. Thank you very much for your help, as the number of nurses decreases during night shifts. I am a person who is passionate about my own health, but in times of emergency, I am saved by medical care, including the emergency services. Hospitals are also run, but patients are not customers either, so I would like to spend my time trusting the doctors' instructions and the nurses' support, who will do their best to protect their lives and help them recover. It's not like I had a serious illness, but I'm worried. Also, the office staff was efficient and easy to understand. It felt a little impersonal, but I'm glad it was organized. The time to pay for my discharge from the hospital was on a Sunday, so it was quick and not crowded. It seems to be an old building, but the water area has been beautifully renovated and is comfortable to use. I think a clean space is an important point for people who spend a long time in the hospital.

  • みい



    The social worker (coordination office) here has a very bad attitude. Thank you for waking me up. lol At the end of the day, the level is too low. LOL As expected of a public hospital! Social workers at private hospitals are of a much higher standard.

  • castle jewel

    castle jewel


    Super thank you for their help last time

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