Fukuoka Red Cross Hospital in Fukuoka

JapanFukuoka Red Cross Hospital


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3-chōme-1-1 Ōgusu, Minami Ward, Fukuoka, 815-8555, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 92-521-1211
webseite: www.fukuoka-med.jrc.or.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.5717425, Longitude: 130.4144302

kommentare 5

  • Napoleon Polinar

    Napoleon Polinar


    Should've gave 5-star, but one of the "MALE" receptionist on-duty at "Window 99" on January 15th around 3pm-5:30pm was kinda apathetic. From answering my phonecall to answering/repsonding my concerns in person, he seems pretending to not understand my Japanese. I said so because when the pretentious male staff handed me to another staff, that staff was able to understand my concern. The male receptionist who is apathetic and pretentious seems not interested in attending my concerns. He's not trying to understand my concerns. That guy ruined my day. 💢💢💢😠😠😠🤬🤬🤬 January 2024 UPDATE: For some reason, waiting time for you to be able to pay your bill doubled, aside from my wife's already unusually long waiting time to be check in the OB Department. Hence, minus another star.

  • Monica Liu

    Monica Liu


    As a foreign visitor, I'm glad the nurse and the doctor who took care of my hubby at the emergency ward can communicate with me in English. Both of the young ladies are nice and helpful, they listened to my concern, the cashier lady is very nice too, helped me to call the cab and prepared the receipt in English as I needed. Would like to express my appreciation to them.

  • scully lee

    scully lee


    Hi I'm a korean. 2023.5.26 3a.m I had a hard allergy. I called a 119 system, and went in here hospital , emergency room. I'm lonely, scared, strange but I..... They were so kind. Thanks for doctor and nurse.^^

  • Mikel Castañón

    Mikel Castañón


    Even if the waiting time was long, we are very happy with the patient care in this place. As we don’t speak Japanese, they assigned us an English interpreter and a nurse who spoke English. They were really nice. The doctor was also helpful with clear and concise explanations.

  • mosen abulgar

    mosen abulgar


    A very big hospital in Fukuoka. The embassies trusted hospital if you are applying for an immigrant visa to Canada Or the US. Clean , organized. They give a chance to new doctor to practice under supervisory. The people of Fukuoka trust this hospital. #mosen #medical organization #hospitals in Japan #the Red Cross hospital #モーセン先生

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