Hara Sanshin Hospital in Fukuoka

JapanHara Sanshin Hospital


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3-8 Taihakumachi, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka, 812-0033, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 92-291-3434
webseite: www.harasanshin.or.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.601808, Longitude: 130.4056733

kommentare 5

  • Luke Heaney-Fletcher Luke Nakayama

    Luke Heaney-Fletcher Luke Nakayama


    I would like to thank Dr. Kobayashi, a urologist, who took care of me from the time of the emergency to the time I was hospitalized. I am still an outpatient and I plan to continue to take care of my child.For the first time since my pediatrician's appointment, Dr. Kobayashi has provided sincere, kind, and thorough examinations, tests, and treatments in Japan. His explanations are easy to understand from the patient's perspective, and he is a really kind doctor who never forgets his initial intentions. I had met a few kind ER doctors in the United States in the past, but after pediatrics, I had never met such a calm, kind, and hard-working doctor in Japan. thank you. Thank you for your continued support.

  • ひで



    My father wrote a letter of introduction and I went to see the doctor. The reception was in the main building, which is an old building, and I was examined in the new east building in the back. I am scheduled to have the test done today. He was a kind and thorough doctor who listened to everything my father had to say without interrupting him. The results of the examination revealed no cancer or abnormal values, and the patient was diagnosed with chronic pain and there was no treatment. I did various tests. Given his age, let's just say that there were no special abnormalities. However, the examination took me from 10am to 4am, and I was tired.

  • mk bra

    mk bra


    Messed me up with COVID-19 shot and best of all they gave me a girls name which I’m absolutely not! No plan and no idea what they actual doing Will never ever put my foot in this place

  • M N

    M N


    I received a referral from another hospital and came to the hospital because they suspected chronic myeloid leukemia. The parking lot is difficult to find, so let's look into it. There is a coin parking lot next to the hospital, but please note that this is not the hospital parking lot. The parking lot costs 250 yen for outpatient visits and health checkups. There are quite a lot of patients. The teacher explained clearly.

  • Maxime



    Worst experience ever I been to urology because I had a big problem, My health was bad and I was sad. I had to wait 45mn to see the doctor and He said, you have nothing. I told him it was not true and and I asked him to do a blood test, but he didn’t want. He said go to check your blood in an other hospital. And he left. So I paid 4500¥ for nothing. So why this behavior? Because i’m foreigner or because he was lazy to do his job? Then I been to hakata health center. I did blood test. Just I lost few days and my condition is worst because of Harasanshin Hospital!

nächste Krankenhaus

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