鮨処 寿司実 w Yaizu

Japonia鮨処 寿司実



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1167-2 Miwa, Yaizu, Shizuoka 425-0064, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81
strona internetowej: www.hotpepper.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.82795, Longitude: 138.2977942

komentarze 5

  • 守屋加代子



    The limited edition southern tuna kamatoro set meal was so delicious that I chose it again this time. I was satisfied with the melty texture of the sashimi, but the Kama-yaki was also delicious and voluminous, so I was full. It's also delicious to eat vinegared rice with just wasabi.

  • コーネリア眞代



    I came to the store with four classmates. It was my first time, but my friend who had made a reservation seemed to have come many times. There are 8 parking spaces in front of the store? There is a second parking lot at the back of the store across the road. When I entered the front door, I was shown to a reserved seat, looked at the menu, and placed my order. I had southern tuna kamadon and kamayaki. The sashimi in the bowl was fatty and delicious. The kamayaki was delicious with plenty of meat and plenty of flavor. This time, at the request of a friend who is returning home from the Netherlands, she was impressed with the ladies' set of squid.

  • あっあっ(も〜うしじゃん)



    I heard that they had a soba lunch set so I stopped by. I went there a little late...the soba lunch set had already ended. I ordered another lunch set... It's a sushi restaurant, so the tuna and other sashimi were delicious, but the sushi rice was so big that I had to leave half of it. There were many customers even though it was a weekday. It's a popular store (*^^*)

  • T K

    T K


    I ordered a 4000 yen course. It was a much more normal course than I expected. If you order an additional set of trokama nigiri and kama, it will have a big impact. I think a set meal would be better. The store staff is friendly and the store is clean. I want to go again.

  • m



    Limited to 10 meals! I had the southern tuna Kamatoro bowl set meal. I made a reservation at 12:00 on a public holiday, but there were still seats available. A sweet and melty fatty tuna rice bowl. Even with a lot of wasabi on it, it didn't feel spicy due to the rich fat! I visited for lunch, and 1100 yen is amazing for this quality! ! I was able to enjoy a luxurious lunch at a reasonable price.

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