Kuroshio w Yaizu




🕗 godziny otwarcia

6-chōme-7-8 Sakaemachi, Yaizu, Shizuoka 425-0027, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 50-5488-9304
strona internetowej: nbt2900.gorp.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.8691808, Longitude: 138.3167761

komentarze 5

  • a co

    a co


    Because it was highly rated We arrived before they opened and got in line. It is convenient to go by car as there is an adjacent parking lot. I wanted to eat seafood bowl for lunch. It is not open on Saturdays and Sundays. Sashimi set meal and grilled fish set meal I also ordered sakura shrimp kakiage. Yaizu is said to be famous for tuna. The sashimi has a lot of tuna. It also comes with a small bowl of simmered dishes and simmered fish paste. I thought the one on the right would be an aperitif. It was plum jelly lol Kakiage is very big I was excited, but cold… Fried food is delicious when it's piping hot. Very disappointing😢 But, but! The grilled fish kama was fluffy and delicious. Cool like the aquarium in the store Lobster and sea bream were swimming. Elderly people in their 60s to 80s I got the impression that there were a lot of them.

  • Kobasho fc2

    Kobasho fc2


    On the night of May 4, 2024, when I took a taxi from Hotel Route Inn Yaizu IC towards Yaizu Station, the driver recommended this restaurant, so I visited by myself. Since I hadn't made a reservation, I was about to be refused by the staff at the restaurant, but someone who appeared to be the owner said it would be okay! Then, I was guided to the counter. We had bonito sashimi and salt-grilled haranbo, tuna kamayaki, sakura shrimp and green tea tempura, etc. with beer and sake, and all the dishes were very delicious. The shop owner doesn't seem very friendly, but I don't think he's a bad person, so I think it was a good shop. Thank you for the meal.

  • merry



    For weekday lunch, we shared the Kuroshio set meal and seafood bowl. It was great to be able to eat a variety of things such as sashimi, tempura, and simmered dishes. It turned out to be a somewhat luxurious lunch. The seafood bowl was limited to 5 servings for 1,000 yen, and the Kuroshio set meal was 2,000 yen.

  • Mi Ho

    Mi Ho


    18.12.05 It's been a while since I visited ⭐ This time I came by train 🚃 For lunch, I ordered a fish set meal (sashimi, grilled fish, etc.) for 1,950 yen ♪ I was a little excited 😅 The grilled fish was cutlassfish, and there was also sashimi, which was luxurious and delicious 💛 It was a dish that went well with rice 😍 ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 14.02.18 I came here to try the limited-time bonito soup ♪ The main dish was the bonito tsukedon and it was very delicious 💛 I found Ishi-chan's signature here too❣ I feel so happy when I find it😄

  • Ivan Borzenets

    Ivan Borzenets


    Very delicious fish place. Great for lunch. Has parking out back.

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