åŗƒę±ę–™ē† ćŖ恤悁 w Shizuoka

Japoniaåŗƒę±ę–™ē† ćŖ恤悁



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-13-19 Mochimune, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 421-0122, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-204-5388
strona internetowej: www.na2me.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 34.9249624, Longitude: 138.3659059

komentarze 5

  • hiro Mizo

    hiro Mizo


    It's a Chinese restaurant in town, and the ramen is mild in taste.It's quite crowded at lunchtime.

  • ć‚·ćƒ³ćƒŽć‚¹ć‚±



    I saw it on local TV and noticed it, so I went there for lunch on Sunday. I went around 11:20 and got in without waiting, but there were several groups waiting before 12:00. The signboard at the store states that it is the best shumai in Japan. I ordered the dim sum set and shrimp lunch (mayonnaise). All types of ten shim in the dim sum set are delicious, and it even comes with almond tofu, making it a great value for money. Shrimp mayo was a sweet mayonnaise that I had never tasted before, and it was very delicious. It's no wonder it's such a popular restaurant, as there are many other items on the menu such as ramen and yakisoba.

  • å±±ęœ¬ę™ŗꁵē¾Ž



    I ordered the dim sum lunch set. All 4 types of dim sum were delicious. The fried rice felt a little oily, but each grain of rice was flavorful, fluffy, and had just the right amount of moisture. I was concerned because the water didn't taste good and when I asked for a small plate, they asked me, "What do you want it for?" I think they were asking if it was for serving fried rice, but I felt like they told me it wasn't necessary for seasoning for dim sum. (Actually, I wanted two, one for seasoning and one for fried rice, but I couldn't say anything more, so I drank the soup first and then shared the fried rice with it.)

  • ć¤ć­ćć”



    I went after 1pm on Saturday and waited in line outside for about 40 minutes. The noodles of Char Siu Noodles, Sanratan, and Gomoku Ankake Noodles were thin and delicious. I think dim sum is recommended. The first dish of February-limited gyoza is half price.

  • kazuchi



    I'm in Mochimune. Now, what should we eat? I searched to see if there was a restaurant nearby to eat and found a Chinese restaurant. When you arrive at the store. ļ¼Žļ¼Ž ļ¼Žļ¼Ž ļ¼Žļ¼Ž Wow, the store was bigger than I expected. I had the image of a town Chinese restaurant. When I entered the store, there were a lot of customers inside. When I looked around, there were a lot of locals. Many people came by car. So, what should we eat? I'm staring at the menu. I thought about a lot of things... I had the ramen set. It felt like ramen. After ordering and waiting for a while, it came out. The set includes ramen, rice, salad, and small side dishes. It was a light ramen with thin noodles. It also comes with rice and is a medium-sized portion. By the time I finished eating, I was full. Looking at the menu, the mapo tofu also looks delicious. Next time I would like to eat a lot of mapo tofu.

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