Tachikichi w Yaizu




🕗 godziny otwarcia

4-chōme-6-21 Yaizu, Shizuoka 425-0026, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-627-5771
strona internetowej: www.yaizu-tachikichi.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.8618237, Longitude: 138.31411

komentarze 5

  • eyes ocean

    eyes ocean


    I had tempura at a counter seat. The price is reasonable, but please try it once. The fried quality and ingredients are perfect.

  • GB 12

    GB 12


    A training destination for one of Japan's most famous restaurants, ``Seisei.'' It was here that he discovered the appeal of tempura and decided to open ``Seisei.'' I met my supplier here during my training days, and we continue to do business from the same place to this day. Please try it out for yourself.

  • M



    The store looks like a Japanese restaurant. The entrance also has a nice Japanese garden. Reservation at 12:00 on Saturday. Zero customers. If you want to enjoy tempura at the counter, go to ``Tempura Miyabi'' from a separate entrance. You can relax on the horigotatsu-like seats. Uses Taihaku sesame oil. ◆Yugi course 10,000 yen *sashimi *Tempura *Tendon or Tenchazuke or Takikomi rice *Water sweets ◆Abalone market price ◆Mitsuya Cider 550 yen ◆Oolong tea 550 yen Tempura comes with Himalayan salt, seaweed salt, matcha salt, tempura sauce, and grated radish, so you can enjoy a variety of options. The shrimp came out as legs, miso, and meat. It was full of summer vegetables, including asparagus, perilla and cutlassfish, Kamo eggplant, conger eel, corn, Manganji chili pepper, Japanese ginger, and pumpkin. Abalone as a single item. I had half sashimi and half tempura. The sashimi is just the right thickness to enjoy the crunchy texture. The string part is fluffy and soft. Tempura with liver sauce. delicious! For rice, I enjoyed tempura, so I had ginger rice. The seasoning is just right. Finish off with a refreshing yuzu sorbet. satisfaction! Counter seats available There is a tatami room Counter tempura 10 seats 12 parking spaces

  • coo kelly

    coo kelly


    It's been a long time since I last visited (about 20 years), but the food was just as wonderful as it was during the bubble era. In one corner of the store, there was a new corner dedicated to tempura, which was also nice, but we ate it at a tatami room that had fond memories of our youth. I left the cooking up to them, and they carefully selected the day's recommendations, and all of them were delicious and beautiful to my satisfaction. The view of the garden from the snowy shoji screen in the room was beautiful, and my stomach and heart were filled with happiness. When I asked the proprietress, she told me that it has been around for 50 years. I believe that you have been able to overcome the coronavirus pandemic, so I hope that you will continue to do your best.

  • 大岡弘樹



    There is also a tempura course that you can sit at the counter, but since I preferred a private room, I got the middle-priced course of 5,500 yen, 6,600 yen, and 8,800 yen. The room was spacious and I felt relaxed and relaxed while feeling the almost 50 years of history. First, the sesame tofu with junsai was served with hydrangeas, giving me a seasonal feel. The taste of the sesame tofu was also quite good. The sashimi was fresh, and I enjoyed the flavor of the first bonito and bigfin squid, as well as the texture of the thickly sliced ​​flounder. My companion ate it without soy sauce. I had no complaints about the shop's famous shumai, and I thought the grilled barracuda was fragrant and very delicious. The Kamo eggplant dish I was looking for was served, and I was glad that the skin was still crispy yet soft. The meal consisted of cooked rice, miso soup with clams, and pickles, and the miso soup had an indescribably delicious flavor with the aroma of the clams and the subtle sweetness of the white miso. After having the yuzu sorbet, I had a leisurely cup of green tea. Combined with the calm and polite customer service, I was very satisfied.

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