Yamanakaya - Izumi Matsumori i Sendai

JapanYamanakaya - Izumi Matsumori



🕗 åbningstider

Ushirozawa-38-14 Matsumori, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3111, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 22-771-8277
internet side: yamanakaya.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.3043822, Longitude: 140.9168703

kommentar 5

  • ごろりんね



    I visited around 9pm on a weekday. I got the impression that most of the employees were young, and the person who greeted me had a cheerful voice and guided me to my seat, giving me the impression that they were motivated. It was a shame that the items were placed so sloppily that they made clunking noises, the items were so sloppy that they overflowed, and the tea on the table was lukewarm. I don't often make comments like this, but since I'm young, I didn't think it could be helped, so I decided to make a comment. There are people who are working hard, and I think if even one person is like that, it will ruin it, so I want them to do their best.

  • K S (Laphroaig)

    K S (Laphroaig)


    This is a yakiniku chain restaurant that everyone in Tohoku knows about. The short ribs were a bit bland, but I guess that's what it is. Personally, I like the beef skirt steak and chicken strips. The Wagyu Beef Toro Yukhoe is a little pricey, but it's delicious enough for raw meat lovers. 4,000 yen per person without alcohol, which is not bad.

  • おさつたば



    I was eating some cold noodles around 7pm, and after eating more than half of them, a black hair about the length of my bangs started coming out from the bottom. I couldn't eat anything after that because I felt sick. I felt very disappointed.

  • H H

    H H


    9/16 A woman serving customers at 21:30 That's the worst. I guess it was a good idea to come 30 minutes before the last order. A female clerk says “Suda” The barley tea you brought? It's only one-third full. The worst.

  • まろん



    It's a normal delicious yakiniku restaurant. Worst when it's crowded In response to employees It's a store where you can see a lot of variation. 3 stars with high expectations⭐⭐⭐ Yakiniku is about to end It's a bit spicy when the food comes💧(>_

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