Caffe Veloce Sendai Jozenji Avenue i Sendai

JapanCaffe Veloce Sendai Jozenji Avenue



🕗 åbningstider

ゼロキュービル, 1F, 3-chōme-2-5 Kokubunchō, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0803, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 22-715-9277
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.2659565, Longitude: 140.8689905

kommentar 5

  • 会津雲国斎



    A great companion for guests staying at nearby hotels that don't have breakfast or staying overnight without meals. The morning set itself is simple and only has about three types, but if you don't mind the price, you can buy other menu items in the morning. Power is available only at counter seats.

  • Natcha Munsuksang

    Natcha Munsuksang


    It’s good spot to have a sit and chill. Love the view outside from this branch! The sandwich is warm and taste good for me. Ice-matcha is perfect but it may be too sweet for others who prefer a bitter matcha drink

  • Y E

    Y E


    Tuna sandwich was good enough. Coffee was not good. Nice place to sit by the window and watch the street activity. There are places where you can use your laptop and work in small booth-like seats.

  • frogstud



    Great coffee

  • syahril siregar

    syahril siregar


    The coffe was very good, delicious, and well prepared

nærmeste Cafe

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