雅楽亭 i Shizuoka




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11-1 Higashikusabukachō, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0865, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 54-246-1500
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Latitude: 34.9829274, Longitude: 138.3841323

kommentar 5

  • 個人商店勝手に応援協会



    Visited during holiday lunch time It's crowded 😊 First visit in over 15 years It is run by a quiet master and a foreign female clerk. I used to eat Mentai Mayo Ramen, Order the creative ramen tom yum goong ramen Order at the ticket vending machine. First of all, the quality of the soup is high, including the soup. There is a wide variety of ingredients including squid, shrimp, huge scallops, meat, tomatoes, and vegetables. and a strange lemon flavor Lemon is a good accent. Maybe it would have been nice to have cilantro too? And a meal That's amazing 🍜 The creative ramen is just unique, There are many patterns of failure, Garakutei's Tom Yum Goong Ramen has a perfect balance!

  • comfort



    My favorite is Tom Yum Goong Ramen✨ After eating it for the first time on the recommendation of the staff, I was hooked. “If you want to eat here, definitely try Tom Yum Goong Ramen!!” I am introducing this to my friends💞 All my friends said they liked it after trying it 😉 I think tastes differ, but... On weekdays, they seem to offer a service that allows you to eat smaller portions! Try it❣️

  • Yasushi Fukui

    Yasushi Fukui


    I had some personal business to do and came to Shizuoka City, and after finishing the business, it was lunch time and my daughter said, ``I'm hungry, I want to eat ramen,'' so I wandered around the moat of Sunpu Castle Park looking for it. There is a shop with a sign that looks like... When I timidly entered the restaurant, I found that they were focusing on creative ramen and fried rice. Once you purchase a meal ticket, the owner will come to pick it up. There was no menu (there was one, but I just didn't notice it?), and there were photos of the dishes on the walls, but I thought there wasn't much information given that they sell creative ramen and other things. I didn't have the courage to order creative ramen, so I ordered a large bowl of dandan noodles (me), kimchi chashu men (my wife), and chashu men with salt (my daughter). wife? It seems like there are two people managing the food, but the food was served quickly. Each type of ramen was passable, so the taste was delicious. If I have a chance to come again, I would like to try the creative ramen and fried rice next time.

  • 20



    I had been curious about this store every time I passed by the store, so I visited for the first time today at noon. Considering the number of years the restaurant has been in business, there is little information available, so I was a little indecisive in front of the ticket vending machine, but the creative cuisine they served was delicious. I will be repeating it!

  • N.Macchan



    Expensive? compared to the taste and service.

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