Saboten i Shizuoka




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒420-0851 Shizuoka, Aoi Ward, Kuroganechō, 47 アスティ静岡ビル 212
kontakter telefon: +81 54-255-7781
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.9715614, Longitude: 138.3878694

kommentar 5

  • Víťa Maliha

    Víťa Maliha


    The food was very good! Tonkatsu curry 👌 Stuff is very friendly and helpful (my partner got sunburnt before snd got sick during dinner but the stuff helped us a lot…thank you very much again 🙇‍♂️) Everything was clean and quick service.

  • 釣り好きゴルフ



    On the way back from Osaka. Dinner here, draft beer and tonkatsu are the best. I was very full and satisfied, but my wife found it too much so next time I will ask her to eat less rice. 2024/5/8 Went here for dinner today on the way back from seeing the Meijiza theater. I had lunch early, so I was hungry, and even though my lunch was fried food, I ended up going in. He is extremely susceptible to temptation. It was delicious, but I wish I had used horse mackerel instead of the recommended scallop.

  • Umesh W

    Umesh W


    We had some great Tonkatsu curry at this restaurant, which came highly recommended by locals. The restaurant is clean and very orderly. Staff are excellent, courteous and d helpful. We ordered the Tonkatsu curry set, which came with the pork sirloin cutlet, a salad and a soup. The food was amazing, one of the best we’ve had in Japan. The cutlet was prepared well, and the curry tasted amazing.

  • wayen



    One of the commercialized cutlets in Shizuoka. Their style is similar to Yabu in the Philippines - exactly the same. The swift service with the enormous serving of cutlet makes it a nice place to have your meals before hopping the train to wherever.

  • Wanchalerm Krittakanee

    Wanchalerm Krittakanee


    Good fried shrimp chain store in Japan

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