新羅会館 家族亭 i Yokkaichi

Japan新羅会館 家族亭



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-1-18 Nishiura, Yokkaichi, Mie 510-0071, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 59-352-7602
internet side: r.gnavi.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.9704444, Longitude: 136.6189361

kommentar 5

  • Watanabe Yuya

    Watanabe Yuya


    I used it for the first time. I was shown to a tatami room, and it was crowded with a year-end party. The quality of the meat was good and it was delicious.

  • toy hiro

    toy hiro


    The meat is delicious and the staff are kind, so I often use this restaurant when I go to Yakiniku with my family. It's near Yokkaichi Station, but it's nice to have a parking lot!

  • 後藤高記



    I have been going to Yokkaichi Kazoku-tei for many years! The Yakiniku here is super delicious 😋 I love top loin. Calbee and hormones are also delicious. This is a store I recommend to everyone.

  • M3 G

    M3 G


    A Yakiniku restaurant that is excellent in terms of price, service, cleanliness, and deliciousness. I always go from Nagoya on Saturday to see the opening. The meat is quite good and is about 20% cheaper than Nagoya. cheap. And delicious. You can eat meat that you can't get at a normal yakiniku restaurant. Also, the side menu is delicious.

  • m miyake

    m miyake


    Used at private welcome and farewell parties. The stove is a gas type, but it also has some charcoal, so it feels like a half-charcoal grill. However, the stove is deep, so if you are sitting cross-legged, you can't see the meat placed in front of you at all. This time I ordered as a course, and each person was served a plate with meat on it, so I didn't have to worry about taking the meat or having it taken away. In the first half, the quality of the meat was more than good, and in the second half, it was more than quantity. Since I didn't have any carbohydrates, I would have preferred the quality of the meat in the second half and compensated for the loss with rice. The sauce is light with almost no viscosity. At first I thought it was gyoza sauce. The high rating is that the all-you-can-drink beer comes out fairly quickly.

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