Kobetei Yokkaichiten i Yokkaichi

JapanKobetei Yokkaichiten



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-11-10 Unomori, Yokkaichi, Mie 510-0074, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 59-353-9994
internet side: www.kobe-tei.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.9653897, Longitude: 136.6144634

kommentar 5

  • 町屋仙富



    As a creative skewer, it's absolutely delicious. I also went to the main store in Nara, but this one is more delicate. I went to a place in Osaka that was highly rated for creative skewers, but it was something else... However, the master is strict. (lol) Furthermore, to avoid lining up the skewers, stop if you can't eat them.

  • keyan amesho

    keyan amesho


    The building had a wonderful Western-style atmosphere. There are only semicircular counter seats inside the store. They said there would be 30 types in total, but since it was my second time there, I ended up with 15 items. The crispy fried skewers have a decent taste, but I can't shake the feeling that they are expensive.

  • Masahiro K

    Masahiro K


    22 (R4). 5.20 (Fri) I visited you around 7:50pm. It was late, so I thought I couldn't enter the store. At the wide counter, quiet and calm The atmosphere is good. carefully selected ingredients and Careful work, I understand. It's fried skewers, but Taking advantage of the taste of the ingredients, Satisfied with each item, Collaboration of flavors It's finished. There is no menu, so I was confused, but I looked at the website and understood. Basically 30 pieces, From 15 or more You can stop on the way. One bottle costs 250 yen, It's worth it. This is a kushiage restaurant that adults go to!

  • 庄田佳代



    This is a restaurant where you can enjoy freshly fried skewers at the counter! It has a luxurious feel and allows you to slowly enjoy delicious food little by little. The woman looks like Uchida! The exterior and interior were both beautiful, and the large fresh flowers in the center were beautiful and powerful, making it very impressive.

  • 合同会社iyコーギー



    You can eat skewers that are fried right in front of you. We had a variety of skewers, from simple skewers that allowed you to taste the ingredients themselves to unique skewers that we had created, and all of them were very delicious. “You can eat it this way too! ”The concept of skewers has changed (lol) The menu is simple, with only 30 dishes for the [Omakase Course], and you can stop for 15 or more dishes.

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