うな勢 i Yokkaichi




🕗 åbningstider

8-15 Shironishichō, Yokkaichi, Mie 510-0829, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 59-353-0100
internet side: www.unasei.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.9645153, Longitude: 136.6041832

kommentar 5

  • xera chong

    xera chong


    The most delicious Unagi in Yokkaichi

  • Rein Oyo

    Rein Oyo


    The unagi is delicious, I had the best experience eating here!

  • Terry Ding

    Terry Ding


    The unago tastes good here. But some part are a bit over-cooked. Besides, The bones are not completely removed by the chef too. The liver soup is great with excellent umami from bonito and liver. The sake unagi salad is highly recommended for its special flavour and smoothness. Pickles good and sashimi awesome. The unagi tamago average to me cos it is kinda soggy. Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to enjoy grilled liver and deep fried bones today. Btw, there is complementary tea and plain water. The service is great and up to Japanese standard. Atmosphere is great and decoration is truly of Japanese style. Overall, it is a good restaurant with great affordability(3700JPY for a big set). The only setback for it to reach 5/5 is the cooking skills of the chef.

  • Jonathan Yap (ジョナタンヤップ)

    Jonathan Yap (ジョナタンヤップ)


    Had the limited edition stoneware grilled eel set menu for dinner. Walked into the place exhausted. Walked out of the place fully charged and turbo boosted. Delicious meal and friendly staff. Cozy, traditional looking restaurant. Would recommend coming back.

  • Stefan Oskar Neff

    Stefan Oskar Neff


    Just had some amazing food at this super delicious restaurant... I highly recommend this place to anyone who wants great service and food!!

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