レストラン&ゲストラウンジ パルミエール i Yokkaichi

Japanレストラン&ゲストラウンジ パルミエール



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒510-0075 Mie, Yokkaichi, Yasujima, 1-chōme−3−38 都ホテル四日市 1階
kontakter telefon: +81 59-355-2816
internet side: www.miyakohotels.ne.jp
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Latitude: 34.9678741, Longitude: 136.6167938

kommentar 5

  • 菜の花



    I visited because it was the Hokkaido Fair. In conclusion, I can't help but say, "Is this Hokkaido?" Despite the price of 2,500 yen per person (web reservation price), the number of items is small. Also, the only places where you can directly feel Hokkaido elements are the Genghis Khan, potato gratin, and the Yubari melon slightly attached to the cake. Honestly, even though they use 〇〇 from Hokkaido, if you cook it to this point, you won't really notice much of a difference from those from other regions. Genghis Khan also has a smell and is no different from the ones sold at supermarkets. Rather than lunch and sweets, the quality was mainly sweets and the lunch was a bonus. Also, the sweets were not what I could say was ``delicious!''. ・Bite Mont Blanc: The cream is sticky and the chestnut element is thin. ・Cheesecake: I was expecting a strong taste of baked soufflé cheesecake, but it was not enough. ・Milk pudding: not solidified at all, almost liquid ・Shortcake: Cream is not sticky and easy to eat ・Chiffon cake: Good flavor of Yubari melon ・Chocolate pie: The sweetness of chocolate and the sourness of raspberries are just right There were many other desserts, but none were particularly delicious. At this price (2500 yen), there is no repeat purchase. I think you can enjoy the buffet at Apita next door for about half the price. ps: The potato chips were very delicious!

  • 丹生次郎



    I had the breakfast buffet. Since it is Yokkaichi, [tonteki] was included in the buffet. Place garlic chips on thickly diced pork loin and pour sauce over it. There was also shredded cabbage on the side. It's only 2,000 yen, so unless you're a big eater, I think it's not as good as other hotels, but since it was a weekday, I was able to eat at a leisurely pace. I had a blueberry smoothie for drinks 🎵

  • Kicheol Song

    Kicheol Song


    So so

  • aleili angelo

    aleili angelo


    What a nice fancy place to meet people in the center of busy Yokkaichi City. Food is just right, very nice plating and served right. Dessert is wonderful with overflowing hot coffee or tea or whatever drink you fancy at the drink-all-you-can bar.

  • Vilma Takahashi

    Vilma Takahashi


    Gorgeous hotel !!!

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