小白 in Hamamatsu




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269-2 Furukawachō, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 435-0032, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 53-426-0919
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.6897779, Longitude: 137.7754909

kommentare 5

  • のんたん



    This was my first visit to Kojiro, a restaurant known for its delicious gyoza🥟, so of course I ordered a variety of things, including gyoza, fried rice, offal, and ramen. I ordered 24 gyoza for 1,170 yen and imagined that they would be fried in a circular pattern with bean sprouts in the middle, but they were served in heaps. The flavor is really delicious, with the garlic kicking in, the crunchy texture of the cabbage, and the sweetness of the cabbage. The fried rice is made with ground meat and has a moist texture that is not dry, so customers order it every time they come. Hormones are completely normal. The ramen was traditional Chinese noodles, thin but firm and chewy noodles, and a soy sauce-based soup. Since it's a weekday, there are a lot of customers coming in all the time, but the rotation of seats is such that it's never full.

  • Josh Kalish

    Josh Kalish


    It’s very cheap, so I certainly couldn’t complain. The Gyoza are obviously made in the house. All in all, quite decent. But not special.

  • Kaz A

    Kaz A


    Gyoza with plenty of garlic!! Good stuff

  • Trabajo de Medicina

    Trabajo de Medicina


    Good food. Pork ramen, gyouza and fried rice are recommended here.

  • Yuri Morissawa

    Yuri Morissawa


    The best gyōza you'll find in Hamamatsu

nächste Restaurant

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