Qu'il fait bon in Hamamatsu

JapanQu'il fait bon



🕗 öffnungszeiten

222-18 Ikemachi, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 430-0945, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 53-455-3019
webseite: www.quil-fait-bon.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.708847, Longitude: 137.7294549

kommentare 5

  • のんたん



    For birthdays and anniversaries, make something a little richer with ``Kilfebon Hamamatsu'' fruit tarts, which bring out the sweetness and sourness of the fruit better than anywhere else. No matter what time you visit, there are always customers lining up outside the store and security guards guiding you around. At the entrance of the store, there is a female staff member who will assist you if you make a reservation in advance. The parking lot is affiliated with a nearby parking lot, and you can get a ticket if you purchase 3,000 yen, but the problem is that there aren't enough tickets every time.

  • 桂文豪



    I went to Kilfebon. The shop is located on a corner lot where the road is a decorative block. The exterior, interior, and staff uniforms all give off a great atmosphere. I was escorted by a sincere older sister before the showcase. The tarts were cute and glittering, and even though I was an amateur, I understood that they were not normal. Quilfebon is a restaurant that is quite expensive, but provides luxurious and special dishes with excellent service. I was really spoiled for choice when it came to ordering tarts. I love chocolate, but I can't stand the luxury of fruit. I made a fruit tart. I heard that strawberries are seasonal and very delicious. Mr. Kilfebon. It was a feast.

  • Tarini



    Best tart in town , parking available nearby . Weekends are crowded and sells off quickly . Also tart flavors changes according to seasons .

  • Hiroki Iwata

    Hiroki Iwata


    Very pretty shop and cakes. I had a piece of cheese cake. I prefer a thicker one but it was good. I went there around 6pm and all the popular ones were gone...

  • Harsh Singh

    Harsh Singh



nächste Bäckerei

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