手打ち蕎麦 naru in Hamamatsu

Japan手打ち蕎麦 naru



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Japan, 〒430-0928 Shizuoka, Hamamatsu, Chūō-ku, Itayamachi, 102−12 マルツビル 2F
kontakte telefon: +81 53-453-7707
webseite: www.narusoba.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7071479, Longitude: 137.7334837

kommentare 5

  • David Dowdall

    David Dowdall


    Fantastic food. I had the cold soba with the hot pumpkin side dip and some prawn tempura. The rest of the group all enjoyed their food. Their sake was also superb.

  • Jesse Robbins

    Jesse Robbins


    Friendly English-speaking (most of them, at least) staff serving the owner's everyday-handmade-soba noodles along with lots of yummy side dishes from tempura to tamago-yaki and much more. Pair your meal with wine or sake or beer on tap.

  • Amanda M

    Amanda M


    Delicious lunch. They did have an English menu that they brought out for us.

  • Chloe Macary-Carney

    Chloe Macary-Carney


    So gooooood, the best soba. And the cheesecake is definitely worth getting (I made the mistake of sharing it with the person I was eating with but it was so delicious I should have gotten my own!)

  • C Murley

    C Murley


    Definitely a hip spot with an artistic vibe. The soba is excellent and I recommend the kabocha sauce. My wife declared one meal there to be the "best meal of her life"! I gotta go once every trip to Hamamatsu.

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