Chez Moriya in Hamamatsu

JapanChez Moriya



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Japan, 〒430-0928 Shizuoka, Hamamatsu, Chūō-ku, Itayamachi, 2 シティータワー浜松 1F
kontakte telefon: +81 53-454-0888
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7067866, Longitude: 137.7338464

kommentare 5

  • K Tuji

    K Tuji


    I used it for lunch. I received 3000 yen (B) and 4000 yen (C course) on different days. It's close to Hamamatsu Station, the food is delicious, and they don't force you to drink alcohol, so I highly recommend it. I think there were 4 tables for 4 people and 1 table for 2 people. Was it originally a coffee shop? This is the inside of the store.

  • R Ito

    R Ito


    I received a chef's choice lunch for 6,820 yen. It was a full course lunch, and it was delicious for a birthday celebration. I especially enjoyed the duck meat, which was delicious and had no taste. Payment could also be made by card. I still want to use it.

  • 黒猫くろねこ



    It was the cheapest lunch at 2,200 yen including tax and service charge, but the first one was an exquisite tomato mousse made with multiple herbs, and the second one was ・Fish dishes (steamed sea bass using multiple vegetables and herbs, as well as yams and scallops) ・Meat dishes (pork and onions on top of 12-grain rice cooked with rice) Also, the hands are busy and it's exquisite! Furthermore, the homemade pudding and slightly salty caramel ice cream for dessert are also amazing! The Assam and cherry-scented black tea has a slight flavor and is elegant. I can't write enough about antioxidant tea as a substitute for water! Having so much fun for only 2200 yen is more than worth the price! Thank you for the happy time! Thank you for the meal! !

  • masa kata- (mark0924)

    masa kata- (mark0924)


    First visit It was a french dinner with gentle flavors. The main dishes were conger eel and duck, which were light and not too greasy for elderly people like myself. The chef was very personable and warmly welcomed me, so I left the restaurant feeling good.

  • インフルエンサー



    This is the first time I have visited you, and even though I had made a reservation, I was more than 30 minutes late and I apologize for the inconvenience. The chef was cheerful and attentive, and even though it was lunch time, each dish was carefully prepared, beautiful, and delicious. thank you very much! ️

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