Starbucks Coffee - Hotel Grand Terrace Sendai Kokubuncho en Sendai

JapónStarbucks Coffee - Hotel Grand Terrace Sendai Kokubuncho



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒980-0803 Miyagi, Sendai, Aoba Ward, Kokubunchō, 2-chōme−2−2 東芝仙台ビル 1F
contactos teléfono: +81 22-712-5272
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2623278, Longitude: 140.8699275

comentarios 5

  • Rahil Chadha

    Rahil Chadha


    I was having a bad few days in Sendai (I got sick and I wasn’t sleeping well in my capsule hotel), but when I went in on New Years the lady handed me by wet tissue on which she had written “Happy New Year”. It was honestly so sweet. It made my day.

  • Brittany



    Had a gingerbread latte served in a mug. The mug somehow made it way better! It's a Starbucks with a nice layout.

  • Nikita Kurpas

    Nikita Kurpas


    Just your ordinary Starbucks. Has a table with embedded power outlets, free WiFi that kicks you out every ~1 hour (but you can reconnect), but no toilet.

  • Timothy Fraser

    Timothy Fraser


    The staff here are really great! I went several times over a two week stay, and they were very kind. Good place to do work, or meet a friend.

  • Ta Ok

    Ta Ok


    If you need to have a meeting point in "Kokubun-cho area", here is the best. Shop is located directory beside crossing of Hirose dori ("dori" mieans "avenue" in Japanese) and Kokubun-cho dori (avenue). So, it's very easy to find.

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