Volver in Kochi




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Japan, 〒781-0084 Kochi, Minamigoza, 16−23 エコアス馬路村
kontakte telefon: +81 88-861-2228
webseite: レストランボルベール.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.5672708, Longitude: 133.5603252

kommentare 5

  • Tina Czarniecki

    Tina Czarniecki


    We went for dinner with a reservation at 6pm on a Tuesday. There were lots of menu items I wanted to try! The pasta menu items can be modified to be vegan and there's a soy based vegan cheese option for the pizzas. They use charcoal to color the pizza crust black, and the waitress explained the health benefits of using charcoal in the dough. Everything was delicious even for the non vegans in our group of 4. The interior and exterior was also very stylish. I highly recommend this place!

  • John Bullivant

    John Bullivant


    There is only praise for this wonderfully run and happy establishment. Food cooked and served with love and ethics.

  • Emi Hamakawa

    Emi Hamakawa


    Everything tasted great. If you like spices used in a mild way, I recommend this place if you don't mind the price. I will probably come again for special celebrations.

  • Stefan Alvevid

    Stefan Alvevid


    Amazing restaurant! As vegetarians with a gluten intolerant family member we have had a very hard time travelling in Japan. Many other restaurants panic when we mention gluten and refused to serve us. The food at Volver is in many cases glutenfree and delicious. We had Budda bowl, charcoal pizza and the glutenfree pasta of the day. We finished with chocolate gateu and raw cake. The staff was super friendly! We are so pleased! Thanks a million! Arigato!

  • Oliver Bevilacqua

    Oliver Bevilacqua


    Food was amazing! And with a good selection of vegan dishes, it is definitely worth a visit! The staff were so nice that they even offered us a ride to our hotel to keep us out of the rain.

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