Turtle Inn Nikko annex Hotori-an en Nikko

JapónTurtle Inn Nikko annex Hotori-an


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8-28 Takumichō, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1433, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 288-53-3663
sitio web: www.turtle-nikko.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.750341, Longitude: 139.592362

comentarios 5

  • Cait Brobst

    Cait Brobst


    Beautiful Ryokan in a prime location! The rooms were small, but comfortable and very well maintained. The onsen was absolutely gorgeous and incredible. They have amenities available including toiletries, coffee and tea, an alcohol vending machine, and a communal fridge to store food. Would definitely stay here again!

  • Matsuri Japan

    Matsuri Japan


    We liked the onsen and the dining hall. On the first day we checked in, we were rather disappointed to get a Western style room because the table and chairs arranged in the middle of the room in between the beds actually made the room look smaller than it is. It feels kind of cramped, and the view outside the window was meh (there was an old wooden tool shed just outside the window). We requested to change the room to a Japanese style room with tatami mats, and the property owner was kind enough to agree to our change with no extra charge. We spent the first night chatting late into the night in the dining hall, which was spacious and has a homely feel. I love spending time there over a cup of tea in the morning too, a very good place to chill and enjoy 'me time'. Both checking-in and checking-out were a breeze, and the lady owner was so kind and gracious, though not the chatty type. She also recommended places to get food (for breakfast and dinner) if we're running late, since the restaurants around the area close pretty early at 8 p.m. Alternatively, if you don't mind combini / convenience store food, there's always LAWSON, just after you alight from the bus stop. We had our dinner there on the second night. The location is also literally steps away from the Kanmangafuchi Abyss, which makes for a pleasant stroll in the early morning light. Getting to the hotel was quite a drag, unfortunately. It's located pretty far from the main road, and on the first day we checked in, the staff at the Tourist Information Centre actually told us to alight at the wrong bus stop, which added more walking miles than was necessary. So dragging our huge luggage all the way in freezing weather wasn't such a great experience. However, once we got our bearings right, getting to the bus stop from our hotel was much easier. On the day of the checkout, I finally understood why this place is named the Turtle-Inn. If you want to find out, ask the lady boss of this place. She's very warm, friendly and kind.

  • Andrew Wilsey

    Andrew Wilsey


    The turtle inn hotorian annex is my favorite place to stay in Nikko by far. It's quiet, secluded, but a 10 minute walk from just about everything. There is a wonderful bathhouse that accommodates 2 people and overlooks the river. 10/10 will be here again soon.

  • J Toma

    J Toma


    I was lucky enough to stay at the Turtle Inn Annex Hitori-an nearly 20 years ago and have been coming back ever since. On the few occasions when I've stayed at other hotels in Nikko, it hasn't compared and so I always end up back at the Turtle Inn Annex. The staff are kind, helpful and knowledgable about the area and restaurants. The location is a little walk from the centre of Nikko but it's peaceful and relaxing. Also it's suitably located for the Toshogu Shrine complex and the buses up to Lake Chuzenji. The bath is private, which if good if you want to relax with your family. The breakfast is extra but well worth the price (see photos) as it will set you up for a day of hiking and exploring. I would definitely recommend this place for families.

  • Catarina Goncalves

    Catarina Goncalves


    I stayed here with my family and the entire stay was fantastic! The private hot spring bath was absolutely the highlight of the stay (as expected). It really was private (the changing room which accesses the hot spring room is lockable) and the bath is a PERFECT temperature for women!! The room was extremely clean and spacious enough for 3 people. The amenities provided were great - including the adorable yukata which have an inner pocket! The private bathrooms with each room are great and not small at all. The tatami floors in each room were in great condition too. The windows featured shoji screens which were a wonderful source of morning light. Each room has a powerful air conditioner and the futons were INCREDIBLE! Best sleep I've had in a long time. We visited in late November so it was cold and if anything, we were sweating in the futons! The duvets and blankets and the futon padding were wonderfully thick, I couldn't recommend it more. I also made a mistake and arrived one day before my actual booking and they were still able to accommodate me without any grief, which I'm absolutely grateful for. Most of the employees spoke pretty good English and were able to give us a local map and tell us the local amenities and restaurants etc. The hotel itself is around 10 minutes (scenic) walk to the main shrine and temple area of Nikko so it's not far at all. A great location, could not recommend it more. Also, hot tea and coffee are available free of charge 24/7 with a selection of paid goodies like ramen cups. And if you can, get the breakfast! Some beautiful handcut fruit, buttered bread, eggs, and it's all presented beautifully. A great location!

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