Akarinoyado Villa Revage en Nikko

JapónAkarinoyado Villa Revage


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1800 Kujiramachi, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1436, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 288-53-6188
sitio web: travel.rakuten.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.7506339, Longitude: 139.5823922

comentarios 5

  • Jeff Carvell

    Jeff Carvell


    This place is a real gem! Kono-san (the owner) will make you feel like family. The small hotel has a homey feel. I loved the location, easy access to the Kanmangafuchi Abyss and the World Heritage Site shrines and temples. If you are using the local buses the hotels is just a couple of minutes walk from Bus Stop 13. I met some really nice travelers who were also staying at Akarinoyado Villa Revage, that was fun. I'd certainly stay again.

  • Korak Roy

    Korak Roy


    Nice cozy place at Nikko. Typical bed and breakfast place. Rooms are spacious and neat, though limited services available. Ideal for one night stay.

  • Davide



    Indulge in the serene charm of this delightful villa, boasting two cozy private onsens available on a first-come, first-served basis. The shared hall exudes a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere, inviting guests to unwind and bask in its warmth. Enjoy a complimentary breakfast experience, where customization is key, offering a variety of options to suit every palate. Immerse yourself in the tranquil ambiance of this charming retreat.

  • Beth Richman

    Beth Richman


    A lovely B&B 15 minutes up the mountain from the main tourist attractions, making it peaceful and quiet. The rooms are clean and the private onsen was so relaxing. We enjoyed the lounge area and breakfast was delicious - get the curry pie! An easy hike from hotel to the abyss as well. Would recommend!

  • SoM IxIeZz

    SoM IxIeZz


    First this accommodation is 1 stop further than the heritage pass so you always need to pay extra for the bus from city to get there. However, this is the most cozy and homie place we stayed in Japan ! The owner (I believed) was super nice. He even offered to drop us off to the bus station on our last day. The room was very big and comfortable. The small onsen was nice to have on the very snowing cold day. The brekfast was nice as well. The living area maybe the gem. The Chimney now the snow day and the nice cozy sofa. I would stay there again when we are back to Nikko!

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