Toyoko Inn Sapporo-eki Kitaguchi i Sapporo

JapanToyoko Inn Sapporo-eki Kitaguchi


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1-chōme-4-3 Kita 6 Jōnishi, Kita Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0806, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-728-1045
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.0694324, Longitude: 141.3541096

kommentar 5

  • mel chiu

    mel chiu


    I have stayed in Toyoko inn in many different locations. As it usually do, the location is very good, however, their facility is a bit old. The mattress and pillow of this Toyoko inn specifically, is the worst among all I had ever stayed, it’s just better than nothing

  • K Yu

    K Yu


    I stayed there for three nights, I stayed at room 303 the room was very dark even though there was a window. The Building next door just blocked all the lights. So the room is like a no window room. The hotel used to help keep the luggage for a few days but they don't do this arrangement anymore. It created inconvenience for me as I have to make a short trip to the east for one week and I have to carry the two luggages with me. I hope the hotel will help keep the luggage for a week like before.

  • Manish Kumar

    Manish Kumar


    Very expensive, 16K for just one night also no free water inside the room, I was socked to see that after paying 16K for one night they didn’t place a small glass of water. No free water in the hotel. I saw hair in the toilet seat as well.

  • T P

    T P


    Worst place to stay ever…. I was given a room right next to the construction site with non stop noise and right next to the train track. The two noises combined became unbearable. I asked to change room right away upon checking in once i noticed of the noises and I was willing to pay for the extra to change to the twin room with the hope that the room will be a bit quieter. However they said as I checked in already I have to pay for the full price of the twin room even though I haven’t used the noisy room at all. That just doesn’t make sense at all. In the end they did nothing to help and all they could say was sorry which doesn’t help… Strongly recommend to stay away from this hotel if you want a decent place to sleep. What a scam….They really shouldn’t give that room to anyone as no one can stay in the room in that condition. I will give a negative star if there is such an option to do so.

  • C Tuan

    C Tuan


    This hotel has a good location and good service. Only the daily breakfast is similar. I have stayed in this hotel many times, and the attitude of the staff is very good, but when I checked in on January 30, 2023, there was a fat and short male counter staff with a bad attitude and poor English. Passengers are disgusted. I hope the store manager can train him on the job.

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