Hotel Mystays Sapporo Station i Sapporo

JapanHotel Mystays Sapporo Station


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4-chōme-15 Kita 8 Jōnishi, Kita Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0808, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-729-4055
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.0709, Longitude: 141.349065

kommentar 5

  • H Nguyen

    H Nguyen


    The room is ok. Help yourself with toiletries in the lobby. No coffee, no free water. Self laundry is a hassle and expensive compared to other hotels. ¥400/wash but ¥200/30 min drying that seem like air drying. It could take up to 5 times to dry 1 load of laundry! The whole hotel only has 3 sets of washer/dryer, so wait time can be forever. This could be a determined factor for us not to rebook with this chain in the future.

  • Veonne Kah Mun

    Veonne Kah Mun


    The location of this hotel is near to Sapporo train and bus station. There are nice restaurant nearby this hotel too. Also, the room is spacious and comfortable.

  • Choy Chun Cheak

    Choy Chun Cheak


    The family room for four was convenient with three beds and a sofa, and the reasonable price made it even better. Its great location, especially with underground access to the Sapp station, was a huge plus during winter. While the staff had limited English, they were incredibly helpful and friendly, always trying their best to address any issues that arose.

  • Dmitry Patashov

    Dmitry Patashov


    This hotel is in a very convenient place. It's just outside the central station. It was very easy to get around from there. The staff was polite and helpful. Breakfast was average. The only letdown was the size of the rooms. They were so tiny that there was no space to put our luggage. There were no cabinets to put our clothes in either. Extremely cramped and inconvenient if you carry a luggage with you. Might be good for business trips though. If you carry a single bag, the lack of space shouldn't be much of an issue.

  • Pla Ontour

    Pla Ontour


    Location is very good. It's just about 5 minutes walking to JR Sapporo Station and then you can access all the malls in the complex the other side of JR station. Local restaurants are nearby. And not too far, we can circled walk to the park and back to the hotel around 30 minutes loop. It was a good exercise and easily reach to different sightseeing. Room is clean and quiet, although the room is small but I hardly hear anything outside of the room. My husband height is about 180 c.m.and he could sleep on the bed. I like it that I can open the window just to get some fresh air. Shower is good. We are satisfied our stay here.

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