
🕗 åbningstider

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Japan, 〒060-0032 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Kita 2 Jōhigashi, 3-chōme, サッポロファクトリーフィットネスクラブ 西館
kontakter telefon: +81 11-242-1111
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.0650244, Longitude: 141.3606159

kommentar 5

  • jack lim

    jack lim


    Take cab from Sapporo Station wasn’t that expensive, no need to take bus if you have lots of luggages. The hotel room is clean and spacious. Breakfast is a must, wonderful omelette! Convenient for shopping and lots of restaurants just across the road, you could walk thru the underground during winter. I would recommend for Sapporo visit! I may book again if i re visit Sapporo!

  • BrotherPink



    Due to individuals not accepting the responsibility they bear living in a society, hotel prices at this point in time have dropped. Hotel Clubby is the nicest hotel I’ve ever stayed in. There is typical wear and tear of a hotel that’s been around for a while, but everything here is top quality. Towels, beds, bedding, The BATHROOM! I’ve never had a bathroom with as much space. I hope I can stay here again!

  • Jack Liu

    Jack Liu


    Booked one night at this hotel. The service was super efficient. The location was great, with a convenience store nearby as well as the Factory shopping mall. Sapporo station is nearby as well. The room I got was super spacious. More than enough room for two people. They also offer to hold your luggage when you check out.

  • Lili Zheng

    Lili Zheng


    Room with relatively big size but the decoration is a bit old and the bed and especially pillow is not my type. Very good breakfast! Good restaurants just across the street in Sapporo factory. 10-15 mins walking distance to closest metro station. Can easily get a taxi in a snowy day.

  • Jenny Olson

    Jenny Olson


    It was pricey because of peak season, but well worth it. Only gave it 4 stars due to we were unable to try their fish course meal; it had arrived before they could even put it out. Superb front desk / reservation staff.

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