Toyoko Inn Nahaomoromachi Ekimae en Naha

JapónToyoko Inn Nahaomoromachi Ekimae


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1-chōme-6-6 Omoromachi, Naha, Okinawa 900-0006, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 98-862-1045
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Latitude: 26.2221898, Longitude: 127.6974237

comentarios 5

  • Ethan Lim

    Ethan Lim


    Have been using Toyoko Inn for a long time. Standard service and clean room. Only thing that can be improved on is probably the breakfast. Stayed for quite a few nights and the breakfast is the same onigiris.

  • Socio Tourism

    Socio Tourism


    Toyoko inn offers breakfast for free. However this hotel provides only rice balls which I feel a bit insufficient.

  • Roy Ng

    Roy Ng


    Very convenient to stay and less than 3 mins walk to the Monorail Station. My room is cosy and quiet even though it faces the road. Bed and pillows are really comfortable and aircon works well too. The bathroom is really clean. Free beer, drinks and coffee. Breakfast is mainly Japanese dishes - and its healthy. Very happy with Toyoko Inn and recommended for sure :)

  • Ting Chan

    Ting Chan


    If you are in the area this is the most convenient Toyoko Inn as it is right next to the Yuu Monorail station! Good breakfast as always. You get a sample of the local cuisine,

  • Philip Lai

    Philip Lai


    Wheelchair accessible rooms available. Super spacious and comfortable. Great free breakfast everyday. English and Mandarin friendly. Awesome location right across from DFS and monorail station. Car rental in DFS station or ask front desk about the car rental they work with for free parking overnight.

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