Hotel JAL City Naha en Naha

JapónHotel JAL City Naha


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1-chōme-3-70 Makishi, Naha, Okinawa 900-0013, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 98-866-2580
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Latitude: 26.2156903, Longitude: 127.6860214

comentarios 5

  • Julia Tay

    Julia Tay


    Hotel is a little old but the service is great . Ease of check in and staff is friendly . The breakfast is very yummy and consist of local Okinawa delicacy . The location is very good with plenty of shops n eatery . The blue seal ice cream is also round the corner . A must try in Okinawa . Highly recommend

  • Andy Andersen

    Andy Andersen


    We stayed in this hotel for about a week. Overall the location is central, you can walk to many destinations around the Naha area. There is a 7-Eleven in the building and a Family Mart on the next block. Bars, restaurants, Don Quijote and the public market are all within about 10 minutes. It’s a good hotel if you are looking to do the touristy stuff. If you want to get out, then you’d want to optimize for being closer to a public transit station. One feedback for the hotel staff and guests - the elevator doors close very quickly. My family were frequently hit by the doors. I noticed that if you press the elevator handicap button for floor numbers then the doors tend to stay open longer.

  • 8



    The location is the best in this region. 1,800¥ from/to airport by TAXI. 711 is on the 1st floor accessible directly from the hotel. The service is just OK. Very business hotel like. However, sometimes, too many staffs at the front or near the front makes me feel uncomfortable. The room is big enough. The TV is modern and big but it has no internet connectivity or APP which you cannot watch YouTube or netflix or mirroring your smartphones. The view from the room is great (12th floor). However, condensation on the window outside made it impossible to see a view. Some good hotels usually make condensation prevention hence it was a pity point during the stay. The Morning buffet is too expensive even though the quality is good. Beef curry, self made okinawa noodle and many foods with okinawan ingredients. Nothing to complain or to give compliments, considering the price and the hardware, I will prefer to stay other hotels in the region.

  • Thomas Lau

    Thomas Lau


    Stayed in a triple bed room. Not enough place to stow away 3 luggage.Location is right in the middle of Kakusai. With monorail about 6 to 8 mins walk away.

  • Boss



    Came here for work on a Tuesday. Location is great and quick access to many shops and restaurants. Room was large and had everything you need, seems like a typical business hotel (just larger) Breakfast was good, they had some unique items such as local beef curry and freshly baked croissants which are brought around. For the price it was decent.

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