Toyoko Inn Kumamoto Sakuramachi Bus Terminal Mae en Kumamoto

JapónToyoko Inn Kumamoto Sakuramachi Bus Terminal Mae


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1-24 Kōyaimamachi, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0012, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-322-1045
sitio web:
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Latitude: 32.7976774, Longitude: 130.7050853

comentarios 5

  • Michel Balfanz

    Michel Balfanz


    Very good location, friendly staff and so helpful. Arigato Goisamas!

  • Paul Trinidad (Donkey)

    Paul Trinidad (Donkey)


    Toyoko inn - is what it is this is one of 4 toyoko inns in Kumamoto - it's ok but was really squashed and showing its age - Other than that it's a cheap easy hotel Unfortunately it's kinda in the middle of the city with very limited transport - this is the bus station one so I'm guessing it's a bus station transfer hotel? We came on bike so was kinda easy to get there but other ways like driving or bus may be painful...

  • Tai Suzookey

    Tai Suzookey


    The hotel was fine, we have been to many Toyoko and usually it is all the same. The breakfast was very crowded and there was not much seating. The parking is 5$ a night and you can park until Check out time on the day you leave. I am not sure how committed this hotel is to the environment. There were no non-styrofoam bowls for soup and the coffee could only be poured into paper cups. Only single use chopsticks as well. And every single plate was wrapped in plastic wrap. I understand if you are short staffed and trying to make things easy for the workers but please do not advertise that your brand is committed to the enviroment when really it is making no effort to help with the enviromental issue at hand. Do you know that styrofoam will never decompose? Every single guest, every single day will use that bowl just because you would rather immediate `convenience`.

  • Shirley NKL

    Shirley NKL


    Comprehensive offerings of Toyoko Inn chain of hotels. In this branch, the friendliness and helpfulness of the manager, Yuko and her staff are a boon to travelers. The manager was quick to draw our attention to the Kumamoto Drunken Horse festival on 9 Oct right in front of the hotel. It was a 4-hour parade with ceremonial drums and bells. She was also responsive in making available the English newspaper, Mainichi Weekly and recommendations on onsen in Amakusa (Ryugu), Kikuchi, Miyabaru (Chomeikan), Yamaga (Sakurayu) and Hirayama (Fugetsu) that we should visit. We felt at home in her hotel and extended our stay by one week. Awesome!

  • Riki Lam

    Riki Lam


    Clean, standardized experience with breakfast included. Great value for the budget-conscious practical traveller, but don't expect any surprises.

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