RESTERS ホテル en Kumamoto

JapónRESTERS ホテル



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1-chōme-4-18 Kuhonji, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 862-0976, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-247-6660
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8002646, Longitude: 130.7149456

comentarios 5

  • Sam Jackson

    Sam Jackson


    Amenities were great. Bathroom was small and a strong bad smell came from all the drains in there though ..

  • Julieta Talavera

    Julieta Talavera


    Very nice hotel, simple design with a bit of a hostel vibe and very good coffee. Great service and very clean. Lots of nice little details. They have both Japanese and western style rooms, lots of light, both very nice.

  • Scott Sim

    Scott Sim


    Really nice little hotel with friendly staff, a good location and clean, comfortable rooms. Free coffee and tea, and granola also provided at Breakfast time. Highly recommended.

  • Bear Lim

    Bear Lim


    The place is a modern hotel with very clean and spacious room. Staff are friendly and go above and beyond to assist in any manner. They also provide parking for 700yen per night. There is also complimentary coffee and instant noodles at the lobby (2nd floor). However, their reception closes at 10pm. Highly recommend this place if you are looking for a stay in Kumamoto.

  • Robert Morgan

    Robert Morgan


    Wonderful, reasonably priced urban chic boutique hotel, newly renovated. Steps away from the action in Kumamoto in a quiet retreat just across the Shirakawa River, and just a few blocks from Kumamoto Castle. Convenient for business and pleasure travelers. Great staff, guest laundry, onsite parking (modest cost). Easy access to tram and conveniences. We look forward to our next stay.

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