Toyoko-Inn JR Wakayama-eki Higashi-guchi en Wakayama

JapónToyoko-Inn JR Wakayama-eki Higashi-guchi


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2-chōme-1-7 Kuroda, Wakayama, 640-8341, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 73-476-1045
sitio web:
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Latitude: 34.2332994, Longitude: 135.194171

comentarios 5

  • skater victor

    skater victor


    The staff is very nice. The room had great shampoo, conditioneren and soap. The bed was very soft so I slept well in it. An overall 8.0

  • Ricardo Tan

    Ricardo Tan


    The hotel is very easy to find because they are near the station the receptionist were also tourist friendly and the room was big for hotel with that kind of rent each night

  • Allyssa Agra

    Allyssa Agra


    Luxurious hotel at an affordable price. Nice bedroom and bathroom. Close to JR Wakayama station, which has good access to restaurants to eat at. There are convenience stores near by the station as well so you can get some snacks. It was a shame that the receptionists could not speak English even though they had English signs everywhere, so I had to communicate through Google translate. I wish I could have engaged with the staff in a verbal way. The tiled floors were sticky; I don't know why. It was truly a shame that nothing interesting was around tourism wise. The hotel smelt like wet dog though... which didn't help my travel sickness. But for some reason, any enclosed space in town smelt like wet dog.

  • Shirley NKL

    Shirley NKL


    Typical offerings of the Toyoko-Inn chain of hotels, including nightshirts, coin laundromat, slippers, hairdryer, bath tub, Japanese washlets, toiletries, humidifier, Wi-Fi, breakfast, and ample power points to charge your electrical devices! This hotel has a multi storey car park that is in high demand by the hotel guests. Location is good. Nice!

  • Corinna Chan

    Corinna Chan


    Decent place for a brief stay as it is a short walk from the JR station. Rooms are clean but decor could use some updating. Japanese breakfast included was basic but delicious.

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