Hoterufainaromaosakamisakiminamiichibanchi I II en 泉南郡岬町

JapónHoterufainaromaosakamisakiminamiichibanchi I II



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76-3 Fuke, 泉南郡岬町 Sennan District, Osaka 599-0303, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 72-492-6033
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.3041319, Longitude: 135.1591879

comentarios 5

  • Huw Dyne

    Huw Dyne


    The first thing to talk about with the Hotel Fine Misaki is that it is a Love Hotel with all that means. If that bothers you stay elsewhere and if you don't know what that means please look it up before deciding if you should book. The second thing to discuss is it's location, Misaki is between Osaka and Wakayama and while it is in a good position for both if you have a car if travelling by public transport its about a 20 min walk either north or south along a motorway to get to the station. As for the hotel itself it has all the adjustments you would expect for a love hotel to maximise privacy, you will see no staff unless you need to, lifts are only big enough for 2 people at a time, there are privacy boards over car licence plates as well as other elements. That being said the room, bathroom and living space are likely larger than any standard hotel offers for the price. The bathroom in particular is large and features a big bath and wetroom to shower. The beds themselves were fine but nothing special. There was a sofa seating are and entertainment, room service and extras can be ordered via the automated system within the room. The hotel itself could do with some repairs, there were points in the corridors that were damaged and some parts were covered with sheets/tarpaulin. I also want to point out there really is nothing in the local area, everything you might want to visit is a drive/walk away so make sure you are happy to remain in the hotel after you arrive for the rest of your stay. If you have a car, want the novelty of trying a love hotel, need somewhere to go with a partner privately or are on a tight budget but don't something horrible I would highly recommend the Hotel Fine in Misaki.

  • Ahmet “FairVlog” karaman

    Ahmet “FairVlog” karaman


    If you reading this comment please focus and focus and focus. I did book this hotel 3 mounths ago and didnt focus to place . I arrived today and see it is so far from city and also far to train. Japanese people mostly wont help here and I did walk arround 5 km on highway at night and alone. It was like the movie "wrong turn" Im at my room now and they didnt accept to cancel my book. I TOTALLY WARN YOU PAY A BIT MORE BUT DONT COME THIS SIDE OF OSAKA. Its worst than village. Room are in dust and its so old. If you dont believe look photos the TV remote is bigger than my car's console! There is a projector I think its ancient its so big but display is seems first colurfull tv. Bed is totally worst than sleeping on woods. I afraid that some bugs can bite me at night. I wish you did read this before.come. I will also report this place to goverment.

  • Kev S.

    Kev S.


    Awesome room and bed but no taxis in the area or anything like that so have to walk or ride a bike to get everywhere like the train station. Good for relax.

  • Parkpoom Sattarujawong

    Parkpoom Sattarujawong


    The location is incorrect, actual place is on route 26 along nankai main line up hill

  • Wesley Chieng

    Wesley Chieng


    1. The Google map stated after getting out from Fukeko station (Nankai Railway), it is just 200 meter away and 3mins walk to the hotel. It took us over one hour walking the uphill road to find this remote hotel. 2. There is NO bus route to this hotel and taxi is very RARE in this area. Even we get the hotel's help to call a taxi, the taxi took good 30mins to reach. 3. There is no nearby attractions, we walked another 20mins in the completely dark road with no street lights at night to the other JR station (孝子) in order to get to Wakayama city for dinner. 4. The wifi is NOT working, even twice we feedback to the hotel staffs. 5. The hotel is right at the back of the JR railway, you can hear the train rumble when a train passby.

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