Manpa Resort en Wakayama

JapónManpa Resort


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2-10 Shinwakaura, Wakayama, 641-0023, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 73-444-1161
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Latitude: 34.1849721, Longitude: 135.1565437

comentarios 5

  • Claudia Ma

    Claudia Ma


    Lovely onsen hotel with full seaview rooms, delicious food, heart warming services, lounge with free drinks & massage chairs, free activities like darts, snooker table & photo corners. Highly recommended!

  • Benny Ng

    Benny Ng


    Hot spring resort with public and private (additional fees required) hot spring area. The hot spring is available for both walk-in visitors (with fees) and hotel guests. Stunning sea-view Japanese style hotel rooms. The traditional Japanese style brekafast costs extra. The welcome lounge is amazing for overnight staying guests. Free parking for hotel guests.

  • Andy Pun

    Andy Pun


    Full sea view room with me, good service and food, lounge opens 14 hours a day with free drinks and massage chairs. Onsen is average. There is a game room with dart machines and pool table. All free of charge. Definitely worth the money.

  • Catherine Chan

    Catherine Chan


    Superb location with a great ocean view. We booked a room with bathtub facing the ocean. And private paid onsen bath is available. You should really try sitting on the massage chairs in the lounge and look at the sunset. Lovely activity before dinner starts! Food is fair, but we don’t need that complicated dishes so very happy with the overall choice of the onsen resort!

  • duo pong

    duo pong


    Photo of the suite room. Onsen with full ocean view. Will see great sunset if you are lucky. Dinner suitable for all foreigner. Breakfast quite Japanese style so better prepare for yourself if you don't like. Highly recommend this onsen resort to everyone.

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