Toyoko INN Hakataekibasutaminarumae w Fukuoka

JaponiaToyoko INN Hakataekibasutaminarumae


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-16-6 Hakata Ekimae, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka, 812-0011, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 92-437-1045
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5923506, Longitude: 130.4191275

komentarze 5

  • Aleksander Ryttel

    Aleksander Ryttel


    A very nice hotel. Everything was absolutely OK. No complaints.

  • T



    A few minutes walk from the bus terminal. Noise from window (specially trains and emergency vehicles) and corridor is very very very bothersome. I strongly believe the window should get improved to shut out the outside noises. Since there is only 1 elevator, takes time to get down or go up floors. However, the breakfast quality was one of the best in Toyoko INN hotels from my experience.

  • Piyawat B

    Piyawat B


    Standard hotel close to Nakatsu station. Parking lot is served on first come first serve with less than 1.8 meter height. We use coin parking lot nearby, 600Yen per night. Room size is standard with full amenities. Breakfast is standard. Very convenient If you book several rooms, I recommend to check in online. Otherwise you need to check in with machine as check in with staff is discontinued.

  • Waha Fung

    Waha Fung


    Tips for travellers with big luggage When travelling by metro from the airport, don’t miss the escalator located at West 5 exit 西五.There is a escalator locates after you pass by a quiet restaurant besides the big stairs. The entry to the escalator is at the end of the quiet corridor and inside the 三井 building. From that exit on 1/f, turn left and pass by one corner and you can easily find the Tokyo inn. However,the escalator will be closed during the weekends. Alternatively, you are recommended to make use of the exit near the JR station building.

  • Gary Chen

    Gary Chen


    Updated review Quality still maintained with several upgrades around the hotel improving ease of use. ---------- Budget hotel with standard amenities that will be consistent with other Toyoko Inns. Located within short walking distance from JR Hakata station, easy access to surrounding areas. Additionally, a convince store is nearby. Note: check-out/in time is 10am/4pm (3pm for Toyoko card holders). Free breakfast for guests until 9am

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