Grand Hyatt Fukuoka w Fukuoka

JaponiaGrand Hyatt Fukuoka



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1-chōme-2-82 Sumiyoshi, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka, 812-0018, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 92-282-1234
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5897992, Longitude: 130.4105866

komentarze 5

  • Sherry



    I had a fantastic stay at the Grand Hyatt Fukuoka. The location is incredibly convenient, making it easy to explore the city. The staff were exceptionally friendly and helpful throughout my stay. The room was spacious, with a very comfortable bed that ensured a good night's sleep. The breakfast was delicious with a wide variety of options, and the bar provided a relaxing atmosphere in the evenings. Highly recommend this hotel for anyone visiting Fukuoka!

  • William Lee

    William Lee


    If you’re not a Hyatt Loyalist member, you should probably not stay here. But this hotel deserves 5 stars because of how excellent the club lounge is. Good place to use your club lounge access pass. Room: Outdated and there’s a minor damp smell to my room. Lounge: One of the best lounges I’ve ever been to. Excellent variety both at breakfast and dinner time. Here’s what I had for dinner, roasted duck breast, sautéed scallops, sashimi, ramen, in addition to the usual cocktail and dessert offerings.

  • Alexis Newman

    Alexis Newman


    The rooms did not feel like a 5 star hotel but the rest of the facilities did. The main drawbacks for the room were outdated design and a bed that could have been more comfortable. The room was plenty spacious and everything in it worked well. The gym facilities are really nice and include multiple rooms. You have all the equipment there that you could possibly need for any type of workout. The location is pretty good. It was easy to walk all over Fukuoka or to access the train station.

  • John Kim

    John Kim


    Very nice grand Hyatt attached to canal city mall. They do a pretty impressive fountain show every 30 mins and there’s plenty of restaurants on the property. The rooms were very decent size and the staff is very kind and helpful. Front desk and concierge were very accommodating and helped with all our questions and reservations. Highly recommend this hotel

  • Joshua Ng

    Joshua Ng


    Hotel is a bit dated but great service throughout. Location is prime, and the carpark is easy to find, and the hotel is linked to the canal walk shopping mall. Across the street, you have family mart and just minutes walk to a nice stretch of bars / restaurants. We got a nice room upgrade and the room was spacious for a comfortable 2 nights stay. Gym was small but had a makeshift squats rack which saved the day. We didn't manage to try the sauna / spa this time.

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