Toyoko Inn Fujisan Numazu-eki Kita-guchi No.2 i Numazu

JapanToyoko Inn Fujisan Numazu-eki Kita-guchi No.2


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13-3 Takashimachō, Numazu, Shizuoka 410-0056, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 55-926-1044
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.1056347, Longitude: 138.8597615

kommentar 5

  • Andy Lo

    Andy Lo


    Wow, what an incredible surprise! Right from my room, I have the most amazing view of Mt. Fuji!

  • Dolruthai Jarupattanapornkit

    Dolruthai Jarupattanapornkit


    It is a business hotel. But we are family with 1 child. So the room here is bit small. But the price is quite cheap compare to other hotel so it is a good choice to stay. It near station and lots of local restaurants nearby. The ice cream shop opposite the hotel is delicious. The room is clean. The bathroom is clean and new. The amenities is at the lobby. They provided sanitized nightgown at the lobby too. Can see top of fujisan from the room is a nice thing. Stayed for 2 nights but no cleaning service but the towels is change to new one daily. The parking is elevated parking cost 800JYP per night. And it is convenience for those who travel with car. The breakfast is okay and some menu change from the first day. Child stay for free so they do not provide extra pillow for that.

  • Raymond G. Arias

    Raymond G. Arias


    This is a business hotel. We were tourists just needing a place we settle for this place and it made do. If you're a tourist, would I recommend staying here only if you needed a bed. On the positive side they have washer and dryers for you to use.

  • Kiattikul Wannasuree

    Kiattikul Wannasuree


    very near Numazu station

  • Saravanan Emarose

    Saravanan Emarose


    Compact rooms ...comfortable for business travels ....and not groups....should improve breakfast menu to meet foreign guests ....

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