Fujinomiya Green Hotel i Fujinomiya

JapanFujinomiya Green Hotel



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23-18 Higashichō, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka 418-0077, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 544-23-1919
internet side: fujigreenhotel.co.jp
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Latitude: 35.2214939, Longitude: 138.6160647

kommentar 5

  • Lauren Singleton

    Lauren Singleton


    My friend and I are traveling to Japan and wanted to rent a car to see some of the local sights, we thought the bus would work but with the weather delays and such it was a bit difficult and a lot longer commute. My best friend and I have very limited Japanese, we asked the hotel staff at our hotel if they would help us just to ask and see if one of the car companies around had cars available and they were very quick to say no. However, when we passed this hotel on our walk we decided to stop in and see if they might be able to point us in the right direction. And we were so grateful, the lady at the front desk today July 12th around noon helped us so much. Not only did she try to point us in the right direction and check on different possibilities for us, but when we called one of the companies she helped us translate so we could ask if they had any availabilities today. She went above and beyond for us and we were so grateful for her kindness and patience. Next time we’re back we’d love to book a stay here, phenomenal service!!

  • Brent S

    Brent S


    This hotel was much better than expected. Although it was an older facility it was clean, spacious and comfortable. We booked a non-smoking with mountain view room and received as described. Excellent location with train and bus station 1 block away. The staff were extremely help and friendly.

  • Brock Mason

    Brock Mason


    The owners are very friendly and nice and accommodating, and the rooms were perfect for our stay in Fujinomiya. Very clean and comfortable.

  • Der Chuckmeister

    Der Chuckmeister


    Not exactly a new hotel. Definitely showing its age when you walk through the front door. Hallway wallpaper is yellowish, carpet has some stains, and the room key is an actual key with a large keychain. The single room is typically sized in Japan with aged TV and restroom but everything is there including a hot plate for hot water to make tea. And everything is quite clean. I did get the room with a view of Mt. Fuji from a side window by the bed, and it is a nice view. The staff is quite helpful, there is vending machine which is great as it is a bit of a walk to the nearest Lawson. There is a large and nice mall with a supermarket on the other side of the train station. Room rate is quite reasonable so no complaints here!

  • Gabriel Dale

    Gabriel Dale


    Small clean room. Laundry on the 5th floor with dryer and washer! Even vending machine for drinks, microwave and water heater on 5th floor. I mean you pay for what its worth! Cheap price for a small cosy room. Just few mins walking distance away from the train station.

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