Tomita Dental Clinic en Shioya

JapónTomita Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

850-1 Tamanyū, Shioya, Shioya District, Tochigi 329-2221, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 287-45-2711
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.778079, Longitude: 139.854214

comentarios 5

  • こ


    The waiting room and examination room are always full of patients, and sometimes You will be skipped in your turn! Don't change your attitude depending on the patient!

  • L R

    L R


    First of all, don't be on time. I have to wait an hour and a half each time until I'm called. The teacher, who talks a lot of nonsense, talks so fast that I don't feel at ease, and even though I have a device in my mouth and can't speak, I can't even respond to small talk, which is very stressful. Because I am taking reservations at capacity so that I can't keep my appointment time, my next reservation is more than a month away, so it can take more than half a year to fully recover. I gave one star because the inside of the clinic is beautiful and clean. 【postscript】 I went to a different dentist, and what would have taken me two years at Tomita's dental clinic only took me five months. You can go once a week and there is no waiting time, so it's stress-free🤗🤗🤗🤗

  • どばみち



    I don't have to wait that long now. You can rest assured that your treatment will be done properly. The teachers and staff are also very nice, so I can understand why they are fully booked.

  • anego



    Can you change the receptionist and the person who answers the phone? A little too partitioned! Plants and streetlights at the entrance It's in an odd location, making it difficult to get in and out of the car. Do treatments tend to become less effective after a few years?

  • big salt

    big salt


    It's a painless treatment, so it's safe even for people who don't like dentists. When cutting or treating areas near nerves or areas that are likely to be painful, anesthesia will be given beforehand. Also, when administering the anesthesia, your gums will be anesthetized like a topical cream, so you won't feel any pain. If you are still worried, it would be a good idea to consult with your teacher as they will provide counseling beforehand. Even the most boring questions will be answered in a kind and thorough manner. If I had to pick a bad point, I'd say it's hard to get an appointment, as others have said, perhaps because it's so well received, and they spend more time chatting with patients in an effort to make them feel relaxed. If you make a reservation, you'll probably have to wait 30 minutes after your reservation time. He also does implants and I think his treatment techniques are good.

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