じゅんデンタルクリニック 宇都宮市 en Utsunomiya

Japónじゅんデンタルクリニック 宇都宮市



🕗 horarios

227-6 Nakazatochō, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0414, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 28-678-4182
sitio web: jdc-utsunomiya.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.678414, Longitude: 139.902059

comentarios 3

  • 大橋陽



    I had a wisdom tooth extracted that was growing sideways. Last time, I had another doctor remove the right one, and this time I had Dr. Jun remove the left one. Last time, after my tooth was extracted, my cheeks swelled up like freshly baked rice cakes, and I lost the original shape of my face for about three days lol.This time, perhaps because the doctor was good, there was less pain and almost no swelling. There wasn't. I'm not a dentist so I don't have much understanding of the doctor's skills, but Dr. Jun is a good doctor who sympathizes with the patient's feelings. For example, if you ask any questions or concerns you may have before the treatment, they will definitely answer them, and they will also carefully explain the outline and risks of the treatment. I am truly grateful that his kindness eased my mental anxiety, and as a result, I was able to have my wisdom teeth removed with peace of mind. I personally recommend this clinic to those who want peace of mind.

  • djangostar215



  • Thieu Hoa Luong

    Thieu Hoa Luong


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