医療法人 KANEKO DENTAL OFFICE en Utsunomiya




🕗 horarios

1-chōme-3-8 Minamiōdōri, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0963, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 28-688-8100
sitio web: kdo-dr.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.5559988, Longitude: 139.8946769

comentarios 5




    He is a kind doctor who not only gives detailed explanations about the treatment but also asks if there is any pain. The staff always welcome you cheerfully. I first received root canal treatment, and then I also received bite treatment. The pain that had been bothering me for many years has disappeared and things are progressing very well. We also place emphasis on preventive medical care, and are happy to receive health-related consultations. I would like to continue to take care of you for a long time.

  • eiko 1187

    eiko 1187


    You will be healed in a space that is completely different from the image of dentistry. We have wonderful doctors and staff who will give you peace of mind when it comes to treatment. I decided to have orthodontic treatment as I got older, and I'm really glad I did. I look forward to coming every time because of his treatment skills, of course, but also his policy as a doctor, his personality, and above all, his good looks❗️

  • 乾裕子



    Since I asked Ikki to provide oral care from temporomandibular joint treatment to orthodontic treatment, my jaw has improved greatly, and I have always received careful dental care. Thanks to all of you, it is in very good condition with no problems since then.

  • S.Y



    I was worried about getting orthodontic treatment as an adult, but he took great care of me and performed each and every dental treatment in a very clean and thorough manner. It was also great that you explained everything in a way that I understood. Furthermore, when the tooth was extracted, there was no swelling and I felt very at ease.

  • 下山和子



    Almost zero waiting time! The hospital is always filled with aromatic scents and is hygienic. It's great to hear the director's philosophy on dental treatment from the author! We provide regular maintenance and oral hygiene guidance, so you can visit us with peace of mind.

Dentista más cercano

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