Tsuboyama Orthodontic Clinic en Utsunomiya

JapónTsuboyama Orthodontic Clinic



🕗 horarios

1-14 Futaaramachi, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 320-0804, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 28-634-2535
sitio web: toc888.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.5603375, Longitude: 139.8860386

comentarios 5

  • H I

    H I


    At another orthodontist, I was told that my four healthy permanent teeth would be extracted. I asked an acquaintance and consulted here, and I was able to get my teeth straightened without having to have them extracted. Both the doctor and the dental hygienist are polite. I have heard from friends at other clinics that children often get scolded when the metal fitting comes off. This person will respond immediately without making a negative face. It is recommended

  • yuka



    I go to the hospital for my child's orthodontic treatment. I feel at ease every time I receive treatment with kind and thorough care.

  • 平野蒼太



    I have been receiving treatment for several years now, and the doctors and staff are really kind and I am always very satisfied.

  • セルナンデス



    The equipment was old and the interior was dirty and small, so I went for counseling at another fancy orthodontist, but they told me that they couldn't treat jaw deformity that required surgery, so I was referred to them. When I started treatment, I was very satisfied with the doctor, who was an experienced doctor, the assistant who was skilled, and the receptionist who was polite. It's very helpful because even if the metal fittings come off or I can't go due to work, they can quickly adjust the schedule.

  • J Harlock

    J Harlock


    I went to consult him, but he didn't answer the questions I had written on the medical history sheet in advance, and showed him the X-rays he had taken, and the counseling session was over in just a few minutes...I said, "Okay." The doctor is preoccupied with attending to the next scheduled patient. I was stunned by the response. I also felt uncomfortable. There are no questions that prompt questions... Due to my job, I also provide mtg and consultation to business partners, but I have never dealt with anything like the above. Lift your hips and move ahead of the customers. I also feel that the patient examination schedule is too busy. For patients who come for consultation or counseling, the hospital provides I think it would be better to make some time and respond.

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