Karuchedo Dental Clinic en Sapporo

JapónKaruchedo Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒063-0804 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Nishi Ward, Nijūyonken 4 Jō, 3-chōme−4−35 カルチェ・ド・札幌
contactos teléfono: +81 11-642-5111
sitio web: carter-de-dentaire.jimdo.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.07672, Longitude: 141.307921

comentarios 3

  • 西村尚行



    The equipment is not the latest, but it is polite. We usually make reservations, but we will respond immediately if you suddenly have a cavity or a filling comes off.

  • mg t

    mg t


    He listens empathetically to his patients. What condition is inside your mouth now? It explains things in an easy-to-understand manner. When there is a pattern in treatment Is there something like this? He will suggest and let you choose. She is a very kind teacher and I highly recommend her.

  • 喜代子笠原



    I was worried when I had my tooth extracted because I had been prescribed blood thinning medicine for angina pectoris. When I told the cardiologist that it would be okay as the dentist would do the proper treatment, the tooth was actually extracted without any bleeding (apparently this is not possible at all dentists). I can trust the skills, knowledge, and personality of this new young teacher. Please feel free to explain any questions you may have ❤️

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