ティールーム リズ/tearoom Liz en Shimonoseki

Japónティールーム リズ/tearoom Liz



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Japan, 〒750-0005 Yamaguchi, Shimonoseki, Karatochō, 4−11 2階 Former British Consulate in Shimonoseki
contactos teléfono: +81 83-242-2017
sitio web: liz.rest
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.9569777, Longitude: 130.9432061

comentarios 5

  • 김경민



    A place I want to visit again for the atmosphere rather than the taste It is a renovated building from the former British Consulate, so it has a very antique and old-fashioned atmosphere. Of course, the afternoon tea set is expensive, but it was perfect for getting in the mood. Above all, the staff was really friendly. On the day I visited, it was raining so hard that I wasn't in a good mood, but my mom and I both felt better thanks to the friendly staff. If you go expecting food, you may be disappointed, but I think the atmosphere alone is worth a visit. When we visited, there were single men at the other two tables, and it was refreshing to see them enjoying the tea while concentrating solely on the tea. Oh, and there is a small Peter Rabbit goods shop on the first floor, so take a look! There are Peter Rabbits everywhere in the building.

  • London photo guide blog

    London photo guide blog


    I will visit again in May 2024. This time, the tea came with milk and I was satisfied ♪ If it were to be called a tea room, I would like it to be like this. The fragrant aroma of sweets baking in the store wafts through the air. Homemade dessert set 1300 yen. I ordered a cafe au lait for 500 yen for an additional 150 yen at Assam. Homemade desserts are homemade and delicious. I have some doubts about having bagels for afternoon tea. Last time, I introduced this place in my London photo guide blog as a place where you can feel British in Japan, but this time I will also write about it with photos and videos. (Previous reviews) My visit to Shimonoseki began when I discovered a London bus on the Shimonoseki sightseeing map. We had lunch at Karato Market and stopped by Tea Room Liz for tea and dessert. The tea was served in a pot and was delicious, but wow! It didn't come with milk! ? They don't ask me if I want milk. In the UK, it's milk tea, right? (mild culture shock) Tea cosies are rarely seen in Britain these days. . . I know it exists, but I've never ordered tea there. An hourglass to measure the time for tea? This is also my first time. I'm more particular about it than the UK. But I'm satisfied because I can taste the freshly brewed food. I thought there might be scones on the dessert plate, but it was cake, sorbet, and macaroons, which wasn't a very British dessert. Well, it looked cute and was delicious, but it wasn't exactly clotted cream. If it's British style, I'd like to have something like Victoria cake, apple crumble, shortbread, or trifle. It would be nice to have cider, stout, and fish and chips on the pub menu. Also, isn't the afternoon tea set accompanied by bagels and finger sandwiches? . . This doesn't seem to be the UK either. . . Some British people say they judge a restaurant by its afternoon tea cucumber sandwiches. Apparently, if the cucumber sandwich is delicious, that means the other items at that restaurant are also delicious. It's evil that it's not a sandwich! ? The interior decoration is more like a Peter Rabbit picture book than a British style. I like young women. The aroma of baking scones and baked goods wafts through the store and tickles your nose. I'm sorry, but I may have had too high expectations because it's a "tea room" and not a cafe in a former British consulate that advertises itself as British. This is a shop for women who want to have a stylish tea time in Shimonoseki.

  • Kay



    It is located on the second floor of the former British Consulate. The interior is very beautiful and gives you an extraordinary feeling. You can also enjoy two-tier and three-tier afternoon tea sets in the store. When using the afternoon tea set, we strongly recommend making a reservation in advance. In addition to basic teas (such as Darjeeling), they also offer herbal teas that are exclusive to the former British Consulate in Shimonoseki.

  • Mathias



    I'm not even English, but I felt a pang of nostalgia nonetheless. The entire place is filled to the brim with Beatrix Potter decorations, especially her flagship Peter Rabbit. Their speciality tea was excellent. Leave your masculinity outside, you won't need it in here.

  • Thomas Huntt

    Thomas Huntt


    Wonderful tea and great decorations!

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