茶論Salon du JAPON MAEDA en Kitakyushu

Japón茶論Salon du JAPON MAEDA



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-15-3 Nakashima, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 802-0076, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 93-512-3077
sitio web: salondujapon.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8777154, Longitude: 130.8784272

comentarios 5

  • tomorie Randt

    tomorie Randt


    The tea is delicious. There are several tea cafes in Kokura, but I think you can enjoy the original taste of tea at this shop. They also sell tea leaves, teapots, and bowls, so you can buy your favorite tea to take home. I like and use cold brew sencha tea bags. Even though it is cold brewed, it has a strong tea flavor and is delicious. I think everyone has their own preferences regarding the taste of tea, but I like it.

  • ともりん



    We enjoyed delicious matcha sake, hojicha affogato, and cold gyokuro in a nice space. The store also has miscellaneous goods, and I bought my first kaishi and cute oil absorbing paper on sale. It's located off a small path, so it's not easy to find, but it feels like it's only known to those in the know, which makes it even more appealing! Don't be happy at Starbucks, be happy here o̖⸜((̵̵́ ̆͒͟˚̩̭ ̆͒)̵̵̀)⸝o̗

  • Benjeremy Korse

    Benjeremy Korse


    I visited for the first time in 6 years. I like the atmosphere of the store, but there are a lot of female customers who talk loudly. I sympathize with the staff at the store, who are having a hard time every day.

  • 胖娃娃



    Is there a translation error in your response to the comment? I didn’t write about coffee latte, I mean I only dare to drink latte with milk, so there is no latte set with milk for pure matcha and hojicha. Also, I only wrote about warabi mochi, and I didn’t write about cakes? ---------------------------------- The matcha latte and hojicha latte are delicious, and the ice cream is delicious too. The disadvantage is that the warabi cake is too sweet! And because I only dare to drink latte, I can’t use the set meal, I have to order a la carte. So the price is very expensive... What a pity. It would be better if the price was lower.

  • かたつむみ



    It was the best space. While encountering real tea, we listened to the master's story and ate delicious Japanese sweets. The taste is delicious, the attitude of the staff and the atmosphere of the restaurant are wonderful! I want to go again.

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