グリシェンカフェ古民家チャイハナ甲斐大策ギャラリー en Kitakyushu




🕗 horarios

3-4 Honmachi, Moji Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 801-0834, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 90-2802-2524
sitio web: www.facebook.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.9437631, Longitude: 130.9643069

comentarios 5

  • Fai T

    Fai T


    This is a very nice restaurant where you can enjoy a foreign atmosphere and cuisine. The owner is also very friendly and you end up staying for a long time. It's a small restaurant, so I think it's best to make a reservation.

  • 펠로우지스터



    I really came across this by chance and it's really the best???? The owner was really friendly, the bathroom was clean, and the yaki curry had cheese and eggs so it was savory and delicious!!!😊💕💕 You can also rent clothes and try them on!! It's the best!!!😭💗💗💗💗💗💗

  • Hide M (Hide)

    Hide M (Hide)


    There was a Lunch Passport event going on at the time, so I came to the store while I was in Moji for other business. However, as I had previously predicted that it would be crowded with tourists on Saturdays and Sundays, the surrounding parking lots were full, so I decided to walk a little further away. The store's location is off the main street, so it's hard to tell from a distance, so it's a good idea to check the map before heading there. As soon as you step through the door, you'll be surprised by the interior. It seems to be a well-known shop in the local area, and the owner, who seems to have been visiting Uyghur for a long time, can feel the experience and love for the distant country from the paintings, various costumes, and accessories displayed. There is a reasonable number of seats, ranging from small seats for one or two people to seats for groups. I ordered the Lunch Passport exclusive grilled curry and hash set, which I had confirmed in advance, two drinks (I requested cold tea before the meal and tea after the meal, so I asked for it), and the dessert set. There were customers chatting with each other around us, and after waiting for about 10 minutes, feeling the peace and liveliness, the food arrived. Grilled curry is famous as a specialty of Moji, and this dish is quite good. The fragrant curry and melted cheese were so delicious that I ate them all in one go, along with the hayashi. The ice cream dessert was easy to eat, and at 1,000 yen including a drink, it was a great deal overall. Even though it was my first time visiting the store, they took care of me and the customer service was good. Thank you for the meal.

  • Cagdas Turkdogan

    Cagdas Turkdogan


    Delicious food and very authentic atmosphere. Loved Uygur tea! ☕




    Very good

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