VIE DE FRANCE Shimonoseki en Shimonoseki

JapónVIE DE FRANCE Shimonoseki



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒750-0025 Yamaguchi, Shimonoseki, Takezakichō, 4-chōme−3−3 3「リピエ下関」1F
contactos teléfono: +81 83-228-0670
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.9501556, Longitude: 130.9231025

comentarios 5




    The set menu is delicious ~~ The latte is delicious and I came to buy bread and found a good coffee place.

  • パンダ



    There are very few stores that are open early in the morning near Shimonoseki Station. I'm glad this place was open. The quality is reliable.

  • 仕事ばかり



    I received a morning set. You can eat in. In addition to the main dish, you can choose either boiled egg, yogurt, or banana as a side. The toast is soft and buttery and delicious. Boiled eggs are cold. Some people bought the bread on display and ordered drinks.

  • アンクルJapan(アンクル)



    Pay at the counter. Credit cards, electronic money and PayPay can be used. I paid with PayPay. Iced tea 306 yen I used it between meetings. Unfortunately there was no power plug.

  • SGKT 3785

    SGKT 3785


    If you have time, you can eat freshly baked bread. There is a breakfast set, but my expectations are low. The only saving grace is that we meet early in the morning

Panadería más cercano

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