Tea Shop Horinoen Chaikou en Kumamoto

JapónTea Shop Horinoen Chaikou



🕗 horarios

7-10 Kamitōrichō, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0845, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-355-1100
sitio web: www.horinoen.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8053358, Longitude: 130.7113711

comentarios 5

  • Ree yay

    Ree yay


    I visited around 3pm on a weekday. There is a cafe at the back of the tea shop. There were 3 groups of customers. In addition to table seats, there were counter seats, so I thought it would be easy to come even if you were alone. The red oolong tea instead of water was very delicious. I ordered a parfait with shiratama and chestnuts. It soaked into my tired body from all the sightseeing. On the way home, I bought shiitake mushrooms and rare dried bamboo shoots. Thank you for the meal.

  • YS L

    YS L


    - a hidden gem at the back of the building, with attentive and friendly service. - the large windows ensure one would not feel claustrophobic in the small shop. - the window view changes with the season. In autumn and winter, you may see the red leaves / snow. - the sets are the best options to try both the local's favorite modern or traditional dessert. And they were perfecto 👍!

  • Jade Soh

    Jade Soh


    Delicious matcha cappuccino and dessert!

  • E C

    E C


    Surprising retreat in a busy shopping street. Love the basement cafe - unpretentious, not hipster at all. Just straight up quality.

  • M. Hsieh

    M. Hsieh


    Bought few bags of green tea, great quality and so tasty!

Cafetería más cercano

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