TAOYAakiu i Sendai



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Japan, 〒982-0241 Miyagi, Sendai, Taihaku Ward, Akiumachi Yumoto, Yakushi−107 秋保温泉 岩沼屋
kontakter telefon: +81 22-398-2011
internet side: taoya-akiu.ooedoonsen.jp
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Latitude: 38.2264758, Longitude: 140.7208142

kommentar 5

  • 2lian



    For onsen only : Realy great onsen for 1200yen with towel. It's a shame that it's only open from 11h to 15h (last entry at 14h) if you are not spending the day at the ryokan.

  • sayo. ca

    sayo. ca


    This place is amazing. Everything like a huge room, beautiful spa, delicious meals and great and friendly service, is perfect for us. It’s quite high price but it was worth to stay.

  • Chris H.

    Chris H.


    Loved our experience here, despite smokers in the hallway (of a non-smoking floor). The fancy bar was closed while we were there (assume off-season), but the karaoke and izakaya were open and lovely. Do try the house sake from the izakaya, truly great. The set meals, both dinner and breakfast were also amazing. Onsens were great and staff were very accommodating, despite the language barrier.

  • cullyn



    Decent place. Was rather expensive for what you got. Traditional style rooms, probably the worst breakfast I've had, and typical overprice meals. Very little English communication, but was still doable. The onsen, or bathing area, was really nice. But I went to better ones in the big city. Not much to do around the hotel either. But that may have been due to poor planning.

  • Motoko Obata

    Motoko Obata


    Went to enjoy hot spring. It costs about 1200-yen for higaeri onsen plan, with a small towel. (Either of a meal or a stay are not included.) If you go there around 11.00 a.m., you can enjoy "private" bath since not many people are there. You can use 'Sendai pass' voucher for 100 yen discount.

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